|1 Hank Wuh, MD, MPH CEO
|4 CBI Polymers Eye Surgery Center Of Hawaii Skai Vision Institute Eyegenix Endoscopy Institute Of Hawaii TruTag Technologies
|8 Eye Surgery Center Of Hawaii Skai Vision Institute Eyegenix Endoscopy Institute Of Hawaii Endoscopy InstituteOf Hawaii
|9 CBI Polymers Eye Surgery Center Of Hawaii Skai Vision Institute Eyegenix Endoscopy Institute Of Hawaii TruTag Technologies Biosynthetic cornea to address 10 Million patients around the world with corneal blindness
|10 Before Transplantation After Transplantation
|11 #1 human transplant procedure in the world More corneas are transplanted than heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas combined
|12 “There are an estimated 10,000,000 persons worldwide with cornea-associated visual impairment, or corneal blindness” Whitcher, 2001, Vision Share Consortium of Eye Banks Proprietary and Confidential Global shortage of tissue donors
|13 Derived from recombinant human collagen Exclusive worldwide rights Eyegenix cornea Proprietary and Confidential
|14 Science Translational Medicine August, 2010 Proprietary and Confidential Publication of two-year follow-up of cornea transplant patients