TIPS & STRATEGIES FOR VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS Vivian Evans Consultant Synchronous Learning Expert
LIVE CHAT TIPS TO HELP US ALL A. Turn off phones and clear other distractions away B. Join in activities and prepare to be called on by name C. Take note of how you are to respond D. Be patient waiting for a response to your chat messages. E. If you leave the room, please show that you have stepped away F. Log into Live classes 10 – 15 minutes ahead of time Which tip do you think is the most important? Type the letter (e.g. A,B,C,D,E or F in the text chat box) Which tip do you think is the most important? Type the letter (e.g. A,B,C,D,E or F in the text chat box)
WRITE YOUR IDEAS IN THE CHAT BOX ON THE LEFT What might you need for helping you learn online?
‘P’ for Patience with technology What we will need is Take a deep breath and relax when things don’t do what you want them to do... It may take time to sort... But we will find a way together
Stretch breaks What we will need is We need to take regular breaks and move about... Too much time on computers is not good for us.
REACHING EXERCISE Purpose: To stretch shoulder muscles and upper back. 1. Clasp your hands above your head. 2.Reach upwards with the palms of your hands facing upwards and with your fingers interlaced. 3.Hold for 10 seconds, and then drop your arms by your sides. 4.Repeat 3 times Caution: If you have had a previous injury, are currently injured or are unsure of how to undertake these stretches safely, please check these stretches with your doctor, other qualified health professional or specialist. Do not stretch to the point of pain. Stretches should be gentle and slow, never bouncy.
Water What we will need is Drink water... To keep the brain and body alert and avoid headaches
You need a Notebook
Ask Questions? There is never a dumb question!!! How will we know if we don’t ask?
VIV’S ONLINE FACILITATORS TIPS Engage students! Vary activities Practice and utilise the tools you have Prepare students for if something goes wrong... Back up strategies Work with a colleague wherever possible if you can’t co-deliver practice and explore tools together with someone Utilise students in your delivery – they will love it Engage in other live events to pick up great tips from other RELAX and roll with the punches