Demand Side Management A systematic approach to managing electricity use Gopal K. Saxena
Demand Side Management Actions taken on the customer's side of the meter to change the amount or timing of energy consumption. Utility DSM programs offer a variety of measures that can reduce energy consumption and consumer energy expenses. Electricity DSM strategies have the goal of maximizing end-use efficiency. 2
BSES Philosophy – Understanding DSM It can be done by ….. Reduction of load at peak & By shifting/ adding load When energy is surplus. Philosophy ……….. Tuning consumer load to ensure optimum utilization of deliverable energy. GAP and NON availability In grid – BIG Concern DSM is by the Consumer, for the consumer. Their Involvement is must. 3
Defining Peak ….. General Under Utilization Power Shortage Risk Of Shortage Load Curve Generation Capacity 4
Present Technologies at BSES OMS AMR SCADA LT AB Cable Advanced Meters We look forward to a solution for Peak Curtailment & problem of excess GIS SAP 5 System Integration
BSES Philosophy – peak load In brief If we say as Over drawl w.r.t Schedule as Gap & consider Low frequency as scale for Non availability in Grid, Concerns are ……….. Gap between Forecasting v/s sourcing Scheduling v/s Actual load Even if above are okay – Energy cannot be drawn due to non availability of power in Grid i.e. low frequency. then ……….. Peak and also availability shortage - Not acceptable Low load and tight availability – Acceptable Peak but sufficient availability – Comfort zone Low load but sufficient availability – NOT Comfortable 6
DSM preparedness: Load research Staff training Preliminary schemes BRPL DSM Initiatives Planned for Green Club in line with DSM philosophy for consumers Awareness: Consumer display Google Power meter Interactive meetings Others: Non efficient load Roof top Solar system AMI – loss reduction Energy storage Energy Conservation: ESCO services T5 & choke ESCO Offers Bachat Lamp Yojna Pump efficiency – DJB Roof garden/ paints 7
New initiative- Green Club Broadly based upon load reduction for all categories of consumers who voluntarily join the BRPL Green Club as part of the Demand Side Management initiatives. Remote Connection/ Disconnection of non essential load (declared by consumer) during Power shortage 8 20 KW load reduction during peak by 100 no consumers is equivalent to a virtual power plant of 2 MW meant only for peak duration.
Google Power Meter Consumer can log onto Google Power Meter Gmail ID and password is required
Google Power Meter Daily energy consumption Weekly energy consumption
New initiative- Energy storage Broadly based upon the principal to store when energy is surplus and to consume when availability is low. Method under considerations: Battery storage ICE Berg - To take care of AC Load. 11 DPR of various initiatives submitted to DERC.
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