Dangers in University Heights
Introduction In University at Buffalo, there has been numerous crimes in the neighborhoods near South Campus. Most students that attend UB has probably heard of the stories about what happens in South Campus. These news about students getting assaulted or robbed has appeared many times in the The Spectrum. This is a safety issue that affects all the students at UB including the university itself.
Effects Traumatizes the victim Leaves a bad impression on the campus/university Fear of going out Unsafe environment for students to learn in
Crime Statistics YearLocationAssaultRobbery 2010 Off Campus Off Campus Off Campus1015
Solutions Have more police officers patrolling the area at night Raise more awareness Teach students self defense
Work Cited "Security Reporting." University Police. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct /19/UniversityHeightsBuffaloNY.jpg/350px- UniversityHeightsBuffaloNY.jpg institute.org/Portals/213128/images/hypnotherapy_and_tra uma_resolution.jpg content/uploads/2012/09/ jpeg