G AME O N : L ET ’ S G ET I T S TARTED Terissa Blanchard Game On: Day 1 1
G AME D ESIGNER OR D EVELOPER People who devise new computer games Work as part of a team to create video games Create games’ concepts, characters, setting, storyline, and game play Work with artists and programmers to create the scripting language and artistic vision for a game 2 Game On: Day 1
E DUCATIONAL R EQUIREMENTS AND S KILLS Bachelor’s Degree in Game Design Computer Engineering Degree Computer Science Degree 3 Game On: Day 1
K EY S KILLS Attention to detail Analytical mind Clear writing and communication skills Organization skills Ability to work as a team Knowledge about the game business 4 Game On: Day 1
T ECHNICAL S KILLS Programming and writing software Video graphics and animation Basic hardware experience Knowledge about operating systems & chip design 5 Game On: Day 1
T OOLS NEED FOR W EB - BASED G AME D ESIGN Hardware Software Internet 6 Game On: Day 1
B RIEF H ISTORY OF G AMING P ROGRAMMING L ANGUAGE Languages used to write instructions for the computer. Written for specific game platforms Consisted of different kinds of codes Can be very complex to write First game created with FORTRAN named Adventure in 1973 – single user First multi-player game was created with MACRO- 10 in 1978 – MUD (multi-user dungeon) 7 Game On: Day 1
F ROM P ROGRAMMING L ANGUAGE TO C ODING Coding is a term used as a substitute for programming language Translates a program into language that can be communicated to the computer. Easier to write than standard programming language People can write code for games without formal training or experience 8 Game On: Day 1
T YPES OF C ODING P ROGRAMS Java – a language that enables programmers to write computer instructions using English based commands JavaScript – a programming language that's built into all the major web browsers and used to make web pages interactive Python - a programming language that can be written once and work on almost any computer. 9 Game On: Day 1
T YPES OF C ODING P ROGRAMS Hypertext Markup Language or HTML – standard markup language used to create web pages Cascading Style Sheets or CSS – language used to create websites Drag and Drop – users select a virtual object and drag and drop it in a different location 10 Game On: Day 1
C ODING E XPERIENCE People of all ages can write code for games without formal training or experience. 11 Game On: Day 1
12 Game On: Day 1
G AME O N : L ET ’ S G ET I T S TARTED Game On: Day 1 13