Total Pages: 6 Electronic Requests using SMART Reviewing Authorizations Creating an Electronic Request for Authorized Services SMART provides Care Coordinators the flexibility to make electronic requests to maintain the continuity and coordination of MDRN client services without any gaps or disruptions. NOTE: All Requests must be approved by the RAC. IGSR Technical Support: October SMART Tip Sheets Maryland RecoveryNet (MDRN) Electronic Requests INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE & RESEARCH
MDRN Requests for Client Services Reviewing Authorizations Authorization 1. Entry Step: Login. Go to the Menu Tree and click on Client List. Then click on Activity List. 2. On the Menu Tree click on Client Profile 3. On the Menu Tree click on Authorization. 4. The Authorization List screen will open. 5. Click on the Profile hyperlink next to the Payor (Service) you want to review. 2
MDRN Requests for Client Services Creating the electronic Request The Request feature is developed to streamline the process of maintaining continuity of services for ATR clients as they move through the continuum of services that support their recovery. It is important to understand that you are creating an electronic request that has to be approved by the Regional Area Coordinator (RAC) before services can be utilized. 1. Go to the Actions section of the screen, not the Actions column. 2. Click Requests. This will open the Authorization Change Request screen. 3. Click Add New on the Provider Authorization Change Request screen. Note: This is a provisional request that requires the Regional Area Coordinators (RAC) approval prior to billing for services. 3 Click Here to start your request for service(s). Click Add New to open the Authorization Change Request Profile screen.
MDRN Requests for Client Services Creating the electronic Request The Authorization Change Request Profile screen will provide you with four options, Add New Service; Case Management Note: Change to Service; and Change Voucher End Date. 1. Once you have determined the requested service type that will be required for your client, go to the Type field and select the appropriate choice from the dropdown menu. 2. Complete all the yellow (system required) fields. 3. Click Finish. 4. For certain services, you will receive a validation message asking if you want to modify the end date on the authorization: If you want to make changes to the End Date, click Yes, enter the New End Date (mm/dd/yyyy), and click Save. If you do not want to make changes to the End Date, click No. 5. Repeat Step 1, Step 2, Step3, and Step 4 (if applicable), to create additional requests. 4 The New End Date screen will appear if you select Yes to the Change to the Authorization end date
MDRN Requests for Client Services Creating the electronic Request The updated information will appear on the Provider Authorization Change Request List on the screen after adding the requested services. 1. The Authorization Change Request List has eight columns. 2. The Date column will contain the date of the Request. 3. The Type column will indicate the type of service(s) requested. 4. The Service column will This will populate when ‘Add New Service’ and ‘Change to Service’ are selected. 5. The Units column will contain the requested units for the service. 6. The End Date column will indicate if there is date the service will not be available/covered. 7. The Status column will provide the status of your request. Note: You will see ‘Pending’ if the request is initially made and if the RAC has not approved it. 8. The Actions column can be used to view details about your request or ‘delete’ your request. 5 List view will contain the updated requests for services for your client, and the status will be ‘Pending’ until approved by the RAC.
MDRN Requests for Client Services Creating the electronic Request You will have the capability to make request for existing services in addition to requesting new services for clients. 1. Once you open you client’s Authorization screen, click Requests located at the bottom of the screen. This will open the Provider Authorization screen. 2. Go to the Authorization Change Request section of the screen to locate the authorized service you wish to modify. Note: The status will be ‘Active’ and not ‘Pending’. 3. Click Review. 4. Enter information into the appropriate fields. 5. Click Save and Finish. 6