Good Practice Guide to Regeneration Integrated Housing Delivery CfHE 2015 Symon Sentain Symon Sentain Associates.


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Presentation transcript:

Good Practice Guide to Regeneration Integrated Housing Delivery CfHE 2015 Symon Sentain Symon Sentain Associates

Urban Regeneration, discuss… An area in long-term structural decline in cities, boroughs and municipalities Restructured industries, manufacturing, ports, and other traditional industries Globalisation of markets has both caused and accelerated the trend Social, economic, environmental, physical effects Resulted in low education, high unemployment, reduced enterprise, poor health, increased crime

Regeneration is a complex task… So… Requires a strategy that deals with all the needs of the community Cannot just be property development-led So… Needs to work across: Housing, environment and crime Education, employment, and enterprise Health, social care (leisure sport, and particularly tourism, if appropriate) Full range of partners covering all sectors

Regeneration needs to be tasked to… Bring about a strong and diversified economy Provide a high quality physical environment Foster a vibrant social environment Facilitate better access to jobs Create opportunities for educational attainment, and training and up-skilling achieve early wins, especially employment and enterprise opportunities for local people

Regeneration works best when… Strong, and sustained sector partnerships in place across all sectors A catalyst can be used to speed up the process Partners takes a long term view Costed masterplans are developed The Government takes the lead All investment in the area is considered Housing is at the heart of the process with other parts acting as arteries and veins

Regeneration must clarify its boundaries… Masterplanning is vital Business plans costed in line with masterplans Zoning to prioritise and create impact Partnership must be able to visualise the future All partners must agree and be signed up to boundaries Partnership can agree to extend boundaries, but no one partner should act unilaterally

Regeneration multiplier effect… Maximise inward investment by private sector Pull together public sector agencies and work out the aggregate expenditure in the area Work out ways that total expenditure could be used differently to maximise benefits Public sector must inspire confidence that it will keep promises to invest in the area Finance raised by the private sector through institutions signals inward investment and confidence

Regeneration must be a good news story… Talking the area up, not doing it down Avoid ‘Ugly Competitions’ to attract funds Local community members are the real experts, not consultants, advisers, managers etc… The local community needs to be at the centre of regeneration, not at the edges The community, both resident and business must see early benefits There must be confidence in the area sufficient to attract investors and other inward investment

Regeneration Case Study London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games The Dream…?

London 2012 Games, a regeneration project…

Disused Stratford Rail Lands reclaimed….

The Olympic bid acted as the catalyst

Public private partnerships to secure investment

Strong Legacy for physical facilities

Social and economic regeneration achieved…? New Homes, but not all affordable for local people Employment generated but not long term enough New school, but educational attainment not sufficiently addressed Health benefits not realised, even when proxy measures used But… Good platform set for improvements to be realised and legacy achieved Long term vision needs to be for 30 year period

Want to learn more? Then… Contact registration desk for information on Short, Executive and Post Graduate housing studies programmes Courses take place at CfHE at College of Arts and Built Environment at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology I commend the course to Housing Departments, and Metropolitan, District Assemblies, and Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing Agencies – TDC, SHC, Rents Control and others