INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, South East Europe resources in EGEE and next steps Emanouil Atanassov, Todor Gurov IPP-BAS, Bulgaria Ognjen Prnjat, Kostas Koumantaros, Ioannis Liabotis GRNET, Greece
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, Overview Organization of EGEE project Organization of EGEE SEE ROC Authorization/Authentication resources Information system resources Workload Management System resources Monitoring Tools Bulgarian sites in EGEE Conclusions
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, Organization of the EGEE project The EGEE project brings together experts from over 27 countries with the common aim of building on recent advances in Grid technology and developing a service Grid infrastructure which is available to scientists 24 hours-a-day. The project provides researchers in academia and industry with access to a production level Grid infrastructure, independent of their geographic location. The EGEE project also focuses on attracting a wide range of new users to the Grid. The EGEE II project is organized in 12 federations. Bulgaria is a member of the South Eastern Federation
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, Structure of EGEE operations Resource centres (RC) are controlled by the Regional Operation Centres (ROC) Bulgaria is a member of South East European ROC, which comprises: –Greece –Bulgaria –Romania –Turkey –Serbia –Cyprus –Israel ROC managers are located at GRNET, Greece Every country has country representative in SEE ROC Bulgaria is represented by Emanouil Atanassov
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Support Structure
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Support Structure Regional web site – Regional SEE helpdesk: SEE wiki pages: Country web sites – for Bulgariahttp:// Country representatives: Emanouil Atanassov for Bulgaria Security contact for SEE: Eddie Aronovich - eddiea at
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Authentication/Authorization resources In order to access the Grid, every user needs a valid certificated from an accepted Certification Authority (CA) A certification authority – BG.Acad, is in the process of being accepted Until this happens, we use the SEE-GRID catch-all CA: The procedure requires a Memorandum of Agreement between IPP-BAS and the respective institute, before the certificate can be issued. A certificate request is created on a UI computer, using correct values for the organization’s name. Follow
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Authentication/Authorization resources The certificate request is sent to the RA (Registration Authority) for SEE- GRID (Emanouil Atanassov) and if approved, the user receives a certificate signed by SEE-GRID CA. The certificate can be used for any Grid activity. It is extremely important that the user sends back signed stating that he or she accepts the SEE-GRID CA policy. In order to do this the user must now how to import the certificate into a browser or client. See: and also man pkcs12 on your UI
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Authentication/Authorization resources After the user has a valid certificate, the next step is to request membership in the appropriate VO Users from areas like biomedicine and high-energy physics are advised to join the respective EGEE-wide VOs: For users that can not locate an appropriate VO, we provide membership in SEE VO: In order to join SEE VO the user must submit a description of the application that he or she is going to develop and/or use to the BG country representative in SEE ROC.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Authentication/Authorization resources Upon approval of the request, the user joins the SEE-GRID VO and can submit jobs and perform data management. Users are advised to always use voms-proxy-init instead of grid-proxy- init command. The SEE VO VOMS server is located at: The command voms-proxy-init –voms see uses automatically this VOMS server The main myproxy server for SEE VO is located at See: Always check if the RB/WMS you are using works correctly with the MyProxy server that you specify!
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Workload Management resources In order to submit jobs in EGEE SEE sites using SEE VO, one can use: The production Resource Broker: The production WMS:
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC Information System resources In order to locate resources in SEE ROC, one can use the BDII Changing the BDII used on a UI (User Interface) is accomplished by changing LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS in /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/profile.d/lcgenv.csh Example: export Using the BDII for finding information about available resources: lcg-infosites –vo see ce – for computing elements lcg-infosites –vo see se – for storage resources lcg-infosistes –vo see lfc – the name of the LFC server for SEE VO
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, SEE ROC production sites The picture of SEE ROC sites and their status is obtained from: We can see there that in SEE ROC there are 30 production sites with a total number of CPUs 1390 right now, and the total storage 30 TB. Advanced users must understand the meaning of the gstat report.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, Bulgarian Grid sites 5 clusters in EGEE production The biggest cluster is BG04-ACAD, located at IPP- BAS, with 80 CPUs. 24 CPUs are equiped with Myrinet interconnect, allowing for low-latency MPI communications. Each Worker node has 4 GB RAM. BG04-ACAD (80 CPU) BG01-IPP (21 CPU) CPUStorageTape March 06431TB- Nov TB10TB
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, Types of the Grid nodes User Interface – provides user access to the Grid resources; Worker Node – basic building block, performs the computations; Computing Element – manages the received jobs inside the cluster; Workload Management System – manages the jobs between clusters; Berkerley Database Information Index – Information system; MON – cluster monitoring; R-GMA – RDBMS for accounting; Storage Element (Castor, dCache, DPM) – reliable storage server; File Transfer Service – guaranteed fast file transfer; Logical File Catalogue – information about thedata files and their locations; AMGA – metadata file catalog; MyProxy – storage for user certificates; HYDRA – encrypting data services; Web-portals – for easy access to the Grid resources;
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Introduction to Grid Computing, EGEE and Bulgarian Grid Initiatives, Sofia, Questions? ?