What we will do today: Introduce the new topic on Electronic Components. Identify the three main parts of any electronic system. Give examples of output devices and the energy transformations involved.
Electronic systems Any electronic system is made up of three parts: Input Process Output
Output devices An output device in an electronic circuit transforms electrical energy into some other form of useful energy.
Output devices Output Device Energy transformation Use LoudspeakerElectrical LEDElectrical LampElectrical RelayElectrical
The Relay Digital device operated by an electromagnet. Changes electrical energy into kinetic energy. Allows an operator to use a switch on a low voltage, low current circuit to turn on machinery in a high voltage and/or high current circuit. E.g. Used in car starter motors or when handling nuclear control rods. S
Capacitors CAPACITORS are devices which can store charge. The ability of a device to store charge is called its capacitance. A capacitor is two conducting layers separated by an insulator. Circuit symbol:
What have we learned? We can state that any electronic system is made up an input, a process and an output. We can describe the energy changes in output devices.