The EU energy efficiency action plan - one year after Mariangiola Fabbri WWF European Policy Office Brussels 29/01/2008
EU EEAP – October 2006 October 2006: EU Energy Efficiency Action Plan Adoption 20% energy saving target by 2020 Priorities: making products and buildings more efficient Improving energy transformation Transport (weakest area, focus only on fuel efficiency of cars) Changing energy behaviour Foster EE worldwide (HOW?) Financing EE through economic incentives and energy pricing
January 2008 – What has been done? Implementation of EuP Consultation Forum slow process: only street and office lighting, stand-by discussed so far Poor implementation of ESD Revision EPBD and Energy labelling New legislation on CO2 and cars EEAP: Commission is lagging behind and MS are losing their credibility Member States is essential to achieve results Commission is essential to initiate the process and ‘set the pace’ but the role of Member States is essential to achieve results
ESD Approved in 2005 and currently under implementation Very poor results so far : MS to submit their NEEAP by 30 June Only 3 did, today still 6 missing evaluation Delayed Most plans present a business as usual approach, no vision EC opened infringement procedure against late MS EEW to set methodology and assess the plans this won’t help achieve ENERGY SAVINGS!
Conclusion Implementation, enforcement and compliance needed to deliver results EU legislation provides framework but implementation at national level will enable the savings Without a serious engagement from MS to IMPLEMENT the 20% energy savings target won’t be achieved
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