The teacher should be strict but not austere, friendly but not familiar (Quintilian). Classroom management
Classroom management/ classroom teaching Separation by Bernstein (2000) Regulative discourse (RD), ‘tells the children what they can do, where they can go, and so on’ (2000: 34). E.g. beginning of term – classroom rules; school discipline policy on noticeboard Instructional discourse (ID), the subject teaching. See Burke (2011): Institution-wide policy (he equates with RD) and subject teaching (ID)
TES Advice Pairs (one three) choose the two most important from the set given Join another pair (or three), confer to agree on two between the group Feedback Address the scenarios, using the strategies where appropriate.
You probably already do these: Get to know their names Try to get to know something about each student Greet them as they come in Be positive, praise their achievements, write home Use work as examples of good practice (can do this with display) Take an interest in their individual work - feedback, written or oral Try not to let a bad day impact on your students Go extra-curricular, get to know students in different contexts Remember you're the adult If you are wrong, do admit it (in the right situation)
What to do Stay calm Find out what the problem is before reacting Think about positives - students need to understand what's expected of them Don't humiliate the student - will build up resentment and may be difficult to re- establish relationship Follow things up – sometimes will be to ensure the student understands what has happened but also to re-establish expectations and relationship Be flexible when necessary (but still consistent and fair... )
Four basics Seating plans and rationale Routines (mostly) Simple rule – nobody talks when somebody else is speaking NLP approach? Change the phrasing.
Range of factors within your control Your professionalism Your dress/ appearance Your language Your presentation Your room The seating plan Your displays Your resources The tasks you set Your assessment and feedback The routines, expectations, boundaries
Classroom management as method and manner Report back on (seemingly) effective strategies adopted by: i) Darlene or ii) Kai NB bear in mind slightly different context. [Examples for TS7 Action plan for SE2]
Websites /09/pupil-behaviour-management-tips /09/pupil-behaviour-management-tips Teachers’ views on behaviour management and on their training in it Dr Bill Rogers on tactical ignoring with students who say no…