Clinical and Translational Imaging Informatics Project Coordination Meeting April 15, 2015
Agenda TopicPresenter Welcome and Introductions Ed Helton, PhD CTIIP Goals: o AIM 1 - Integrated query system for existing TCGA data including improved pathology systems Jose Galvez, MD o AIM 2 - TCGA infrastructure ported to/applied to co-clinical settingCheryl Marks, PhD o AIM 3 - “Pilot Challenges” to compare the decision support systems for three imaging research domains: Clinical Imaging, Pre-clinical Imaging, and Digital Pathology Larry Clarke, PhD Project Presentations: o Digital Pathology and Integrative Query SystemAshish Sharma, PhD o DICOM Working Group 30Joseph Kalen, PhD o Co-clinical and animal model dataRobert Cardiff, MD, PhD o Pilot Challenges and Challenge Management System Jayashree Kalpathy- Cramer, PhD Coordination between projects Ulli Wagner, PhD DiscussionAll
AIM 1: Integrated Query System for Existing TCGA Data; Improved Pathology Systems Histopathology Incorporate Openslide with caMicrosocope enabling caMicrosocope to directly serve whole slide pathology images from the majority of digital pathology vendors. Incorporate support for basic image analysis algorithms into caMicroscope. Standards-based image annotation utilizing the Annotation Image Markup (AIM) standard. Integrative Queries Programmatic Access to Data to TCGA-related image data. Extend software to support data mashups between image-derived information from TCIA and clinical and molecular metadata from TCGA. 3
AIM 2: TCGA Infrastructure Ported to/applied to Co- clinical Setting Improve small-animal DICOM compliance Identify co-clinical pilot data set and populate integrated ‘omics/imaging infrastructure. 4
AIM 3: Pilot Challenges Compare the decision support systems for three imaging research domains: Clinical Imaging, Pre-clinical Imaging, and Digital Pathology Leverage and extend the above platform and data systems to validate and share algorithms, support precision medicine and clinical decision-making tools, including correlation of imaging phenotypes with genomics signatures. The aims are fashioned as four complementary “Pilot Challenges”. 5
AIM 3: Four Complementary Pilot Challenges Clinical Imaging: QIN image data for several modalities/organ systems are already hosted on TCIA. Pilot challenge projects are being explored for X-ray CT, DWI MRI and PET CT similar to the HUBzero pilot CT challenge project. Pre-clinical / Co-clinical Imaging: Leveraging the Mouse Models of Human Cancer Consortium (MHHCC) Glioblastoma co-clinical trials with associated ’omics data sets from the Human Brain Consortium. This proof of concept will focus on bringing together ‘omics and imaging data into a single platform. Digital Pathology Clinical Support: Leveraging Aims1-3 develop open source image analysis algorithms which complement ‘omics data sets and provide additional decision support. Community Sharing: Enable community sharing of algorithms on a software clearinghouse platform such as HubZero. 6