P re- M ajor A dvising Program f or L evels 1 a nd 2 S tudents
L OCATION O F T HE A CADEMIC A DVISING O FFICES L ocations: C5 – 0074 female campus H male campus T imes: Sun-Wed: 8:00-4:00 Thurs: 8:00-12:00 2 Academic Advising Team - SASP C5
W HO A RE Y OUR A CADEMIC A DVISORS ? Muhammad Abdus Sabur Academic Advising Manager 3 Academic Advising Team - SASP
Mr. Marwan Fayyad Ms. Eman Al Haj Ali Mr. Keith Yoder W HO A RE Y OUR A CADEMIC A DVISORS ? 4 Academic Advising Team - SASP Female Campus Academic Advising Hours: Sunday – Wednesday: 8:00 am – 4 pm Thursday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Dr. Haydar Hassan Mr. Philippe Moser W HO A RE Y OUR A CADEMIC A DVISORS ? 5 Academic Advising Team - SASP Male Campus Academic Advising Hours: Sunday – Wednesday: 8:00 am –4:00 pm Thursday: 8 am – 12 pm
I NTRODUCE A CADEMIC A DVISING R OLE A dvising The on-going process of clarifying and reevaluating academic goals and plans. L EAD Students learning and moving forward together towards their academic goals. M APs Helping students select a major which is best for them. A t Risk Students Helping students who have been identified as “borderline” to succeed academically. 6 Academic Advising Team - SASP
R EASONS FOR V ISITING THE A CADEMIC A DVISING O FFICE Complaints Referred by the teacher Sign up for volunteer work Pre-major advising Issues regarding mobile/ i Pad use At risk students Direct students to the correct location on campus Study Groups (Important) 7 Academic Advising Team - SASP
R OLE O F P EER A DVISORS H elp Students Answer questions Support students with their studies Help students who are at risk Help students create a study plan Make students aware of resources on campus available to support them academically F YE – First Year Experience Lead new students through various interactions and activities Support new students to adjust to their new status as university students L evel 1 and 2 Advising Make visits to level 1 and level 2 classes to advise students on different topics A ssist the academic advisors Complete office tasks assigned by the academic advisors Train other students Support the academic advising team in different events 8 Academic Advising Team - SASP
D IFFERENT P ROGRAMS I N S ASP A dvising Unit Dealing with behavioral issues in the classroom Dealing with student-teacher complaints Supporting students who are at risk i Pad Team Downloading required university software Linking accounts Creating new accounts with your ID number Solving internet connection problems S kills Program Helping students develop research skills Offering note-taking, time-management, critical thinking, and more Learning Centers Supporting students in their learning Giving students opportunities for practice in several areas 9 Academic Advising Team - SASP
I NDEPENDENT L EARNING C ENTER (ILC) W hy? Supports students in their learning. Assists them in becoming more independent in their studies and more confident in their academic abilities. Provides a wide range of self-study resources to help students succeed in University Foundation Program (UFP) classes. Offers a variety of workshops on topics related to study skills and personal development. W hen? Sunday - Wednesday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm W here? C / H Academic Advising Team - SASP
W RITING C ENTER W hy? The Writing Center helps Faculty and Foundation students learn more about writing and become better writers. All UAEU students are welcome to come and get help with their writing – in English or Arabic – from a Writing Center tutor. The Centers also hold regular writing workshops and provide practice materials for all Foundation writing courses and the IELTS writing exam. W hen? Sunday – Wednesday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm W here? C / H Academic Advising Team - SASP
S PEAKING C ENTER W hy? Students can improve their English speaking skills at the Speaking Centers by working one-to-one, or in a small group, with a Speaking Center tutor. The Speaking Centers’ friendly and relaxed atmosphere helps students become more fluent and confident in their English speaking skills. Students can also practice giving presentations and participate in special events, such as workshops and debates, at the Speaking Centers. W hen? Sunday – Wednesday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm W here? C / H Academic Advising Team - SASP
T UTORIAL C ENTER How? The Tutorial Center provides grammar and vocabulary exercises and explanations; the center helps students with small group learning, completing their homework and preparing for tests. When? From 10 am to 2 pm o Where? C / H Why? You need a good foundation in the basics of English. You can make an appointment anytime. 13 Academic Advising Team - SASP
M ATH T ESTING L AB How? The Math Testing Lab helps students by preparing them for Math exams that they will take in university. You will take Math CGE exams in this lab. The compass exams are taken here, and you can register and schedule your exams here. In addition, you can arrange to take math tutorials here. When? From 8 am to 3 pm Where? C and C Why? You need a good foundation in the basics of Math. 14 Academic Advising Team - SASP
M ATH T UTORIALS Register for Math Tutorials with your teacher. OR Register for Math Tutorials at the Math Testing Lab. Check your for details about time and place of the Math Tutorials. 15 Academic Advising Team - SASP
I MPORTANCE OF C LASS A TTENDANCE All Students who miss 7 or more English classes fall into the “At- Risk” category for failing their English course. If students do not attend class, they miss important information they will need to pass the course. In Level 1, you can have 21 absences. In Level 2, you can have 16 absences In Level 3, you can have 16 absences. Attendance Rule If you reach 15% absence, and you have a case, then you can go to see Mr. Saleh in room H (Male Campus) or Miss Saleha in room C (Female campus) with necessary documentation to apply for withdrawal without failure. 16 Academic Advising Team - SASP
A CADEMIC I NTEGRITY – 5 KINDS Plagiarism – Copying material from a book or website. Cheating – Copying others peoples work. Facilitation – Helping another student to cheat. Collusion – Handing in another student’s work as yours. Fabrication – Lying about records or grades. 17 Academic Advising Team - SASP
W HY U SE O FFICE H OURS S peak to your teacher one-to-one for extra help and advice. F ind out if you are at risk. A sk about areas that you don’t understand 18 Academic Advising Team - SASP
UFP P ROFICIENCY C RITERIA Students can satisfy the requirements for the various UFP programs in a number of ways. The measures of proficiency necessary to demonstrate compliance with program requirements are listed below. 19 Academic Advising Team - SASP
UFP P ROFICIENCY C RITERIA A RABIC UFP Arabic Program requirements can be satisfied in any of the following ways: Achieve the required proficiency scores on the Placement exam (currently 60 on each of Parts 1 and 2) Achieve the required proficiency score on the UAEU Arabic Proficiency Test (currently 5.5) Achieve 60% in ARBU Academic Advising Team - SASP
UFP P ROFICIENCY C RITERIA E NGLISH UFP English Program requirements can be satisfied in any of the following ways: Achieve >= 5.0 on IELTS Achieve >= 500 on Institutional TOEFL or 61 on iBT TOEFL Achieve >= 41 on Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Achieve 60% in ENGU Academic Advising Team - SASP
UFP P ROFICIENCY C RITERIA M ATH UFP Math Program requirements can be satisfied in either of the following ways, depending on the student’s college: 22 Academic Advising Team - SASP College COMPASS Math Exit Score SAT Math Test II Equivalency CFA, CIT, CMHS, COS, COE, CEDU (Science & Math Track) College Algebra >= 60 and Trigonometry >= 50 Math Level 2 >= 590 CBE College Algebra >= 50Math Level 2 >= 520 CHSS, CL CEDU (Other Tracks) College Algebra >= 30 or Algebra >= 60 Math Level 2 >= 490
W HAT H APPENS I N L EVEL 3 E NGLISH ? If you pass Level 3, you can take the IELTS exam. If you fail the IELTS, you can take Level 4 one time. 23 Academic Advising Team - SASP
I SSUES S TUDENTS F ACE I F T HEY T AKE THE IELTS E XAM B EFORE C OMPLETING L EVEL 2 S tudents who take IELTS before passing Level 2 usually fail ESP the first time because they haven’t studied academic writing. Students face difficulties in faculty courses as their reading and writing skills are low. W hen required to write a thesis, students may face major difficulties. 24 Academic Advising Team - SASP
I MPORTANCE O F C ONCENTRATION O N E NGLISH I t will be easier to understand your lectures. I f you take many subjects, you will be too busy to concentrate on English (take only English and Arabic – no other subjects). L evel 1 and 2 is the time to improve your English. Students should use this time to focus on improving their English. 25 Academic Advising Team - SASP
H OW D O Y OU K NOW I F Y OU A RE A T R ISK ? W HAT A RE T HE S IGNS ? Y ou should know the grading system (how you receive grades) for your course. K eep a record with your grades on it. T alk to your teacher about your progress. K eep track of the percentage you have received, and what percentage you still need to pass. 26 Academic Advising Team - SASP
M AKING A S TUDY T IMETABLE T O P LAN Y OUR S TUDY Think about available time for study. Avoid studying the night before the exam. Include all of your exams and the dates in your timetable. Plan your study time around your exams. 27 Academic Advising Team - SASP
H OW T O A CCESS SASP O NLINE R ESOURCES W ebsite i Tunes U B lackboard 28 Academic Advising Team - SASP
I MPORTANT A DVISING -R ELATED T OPICS General Education: Courses which all students take, and are outside of courses in their major. l_education/index.shtml l_education/index.shtml Gen Ed courses are grouped into thematic categories called clusters ESP – English for Specific Purposes (for your major) tion_program/ufp_esp_program/ tion_program/ufp_esp_program/ 29 Academic Advising Team - SASP
S URVEY You can run the survey from 30 Academic Advising Team - SASP