My A B C book of history By: Robin Bruins 5/17/11 Grade 8th
a Abolitionist- a person who STRONGLY favors doing away with slavery Amendment- an addition to a formed document such as the constitution Articles of Confederation- Americas’ first constitution Adams John- one of the three men who helped with the treaty of Paris
b Blockade- cut off an area by means of troops or war ship stop supplies or people from coming or going in or out Blockade runner-a ship that sails in or out of a blocked area Boycott- to refuse to buy items from a particular country Barton Clara- helped wounded soldiers also known as the “Angel of the Battlefield”
J Cash crop- crop raised to be sold for money Constitution- a formal plan of government Cotton gin- a machine that moved seeds from cotton Civil war- a conflict between opposing groups of citizens of other countries
d Douglass Fredrick- a former slave that escaped who lived and became an abolitionist leader Dorothea Dix – founded an institution for the mentally ill and the criminals who committed no crime Dred Scott- a slave who fought for freedom Delaware- one of the middle colonies
e Emancipate-to free from slavery Enlightenment- a movement in the 1700’s that spread the idea of knowledge, reason, and science could improve society Eighth Amendment- no cruel or unusual punishment Erie canal- a 363 mile canal that opened in October, 26, 1825
f Federalist-someone who supports the constitution Federal debt- the amount of money owned by the government Fort Sumter- a U.S.A fort on an island guarding Charles Harbor. Franklin Benjamin-one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence
g Guerrilla warfare-a hit and run technique used in fighting wars Guerrilla tactics - surprised attacks or raids Garrison, William Lloyd-an abolitionist who created a newspaper & lead an abolitionist group Gettysburg Address- where Lincoln made a speech about to him what the war came to mean
h Habeas Corpus – a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned Human rights- rights regarded as belonging to all persons such as freedom from unlawfully imprisonment torture and execution Henry, Patrick- he made the famous speech “ Give me liberty or give me death” House of Burgesses- they make local laws
I Imperialism- the actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over smaller or weaker nations
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Indentured servant – a laborer who agreed to work without pay for a certain time in exchange for a passage to America Implied powers- powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution Import- to buy goods from foreign markets Judicial branch-a branch of government including the federal court system that interprets the nations laws. Judicial review- the right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the Constitution John Jay- said a famous quote” I have not yet begun to fight” Jamestown- The first colony to settle in America Kansas- Also known as the “Bleeding” Kansas because of the war there Key, Francis Scott-wrote the “ St r Spangled Banner” Ku Klux Klan– holding English explorers’ captive. Kansas-Nebraska act – Allowed Kansas and Nebraska to be free state’s. Laissez-Faire- policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the action Legislative branch- the branch of government that makes the nation’s laws. Lee, Robert L.-general of the Confederates Lafayette, Marquise- Lincoln's best friend
m Middle colonies- include- New York, Penn., New Jersey, Delaware. Monroe Doctrine- made sure there were no new European colonies Magna Carta- Limited government powers Minute Men- Men ready in a minutes notice
n New England colonies- contained: Maine, New Hampshire, Mass., Conn., Rhode island Ninth Amendment- this amendment prevents government from claiming that the only rights people have are listed on the bill of rights Nullify- To cancel or make ineffective Northwest Passage- a water route to Asia through America sought by European explorers