Prosperity Village $30M Sunset/Beatties Ford $20M Central/Albemarle/ Shamrock $20M West Trade/ Rozzelles Ferry $20M Whitehall/Ayrsley $30M Citywide CNIP Geographies
Bond Cycles Projects can begin in all five CNIP areas with current funding schedule 2014 $20M 2016 $40M 2018 $40M 2020 $20M $120M Total CNIP Bond Funds
Data Sources Market Studies Adopted Policy, Area Plans, Transportation and Transit Plans Over 200 City Data Points
Community/Stakeholder Input Community Input One-on-Ones & Focus Groups Strategies and Prioritized Projects Short Term Projects Long Term Projects Partners Type of Public Engagement # Attendees/ Recipients 1351-on-1 Meetings457 30Focus Group Meetings330 17Mailings / s56,754 7Web Surveys263 13Public Meetings/Charrettes887
Common Themes More options for access to places via greenways Greenways, Trails, Parks Enhanced mobility for cyclists Bike Facilities Better functionality for people to get around Better Connectivity Create places for people to shop, recreate, work and enjoy Placemaking Private Partnerships Public Partnerships More projects identified than we can do in every area
Sunset / Beatties Ford COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM City Team Cary Chereshkoff, E&PM Kathy Cornett, Planning Scott Correll, CDOT Randy Harris, N&BS Consultant Team Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. Amy K. Steinmetz, LLC CMW Design Strategies, PLLC 1.Strong residential growth but basic infrastructure incomplete 2.Complete pedestrian amenities 3.Improve pedestrian and bicycle access to green space 4.Enhance Oakdale 1.Strong residential growth but basic infrastructure incomplete 2.Complete pedestrian amenities 3.Improve pedestrian and bicycle access to green space 4.Enhance Oakdale
Oakdale-Nevin Trail Enhance Oakdale Improve intersections Connect Green Spaces Pedestrian crossings Complete infrastructure Create gateway elements Sunset / Beatties Ford PROPOSED PROJECTS
ProjectTimeframe Beatties Ford Road Pedestrian CrossingsShort Lakeview Road Farm-to-MarketShort Intersection AestheticsShort Oakdale/Miranda/ Sunset IntersectionShort Oakdale – Nevin TrailMedium Hornets Nest Park Access ImprovementsMedium Oakdale Road Farm-to-Market Phase 2Long Sunset / Beatties Ford PROJECT SUMMARY (Short – 2-3 years; Medium – 4-5 years; Long – 6+ years)
Next Steps Fall 2015 Final report submitted to City by Kimley-Horn Document will be available on website Complete Preliminary Planning Phase of CNIP Fall 2015 / Winter 2016 Start planning & design phase on first round of projects Each project will have additional public involvement as they progress Forward Project updates will be available at Contact Cary Chereshkoff with questions (contact info on handout)