CGI – GeoSciML Testbed 3 Status for BRGM Jean-Jacques Serrano.


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Presentation transcript:

CGI – GeoSciML Testbed 3 Status for BRGM Jean-Jacques Serrano

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 2 BRGM GeoSciML Client and Test Client Use Case 5: Registry GeoNetwork metadata Catalogue Use of OGC-CSW interface Use Case 1: Maps and SLD Vocabularies and the Gsml Resource Service How to use vocabularies for Use Cases 2, 3 & 4 Use Cases 2 & 3: WFS query and download Use Case 4: Exchange GeoSciML data between applications More technical information Overview

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 3 GeoSciML Client for Testbed3

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 4 GeoSciML Client for Testbed3 (use of OneGeology Registry) Waiting a connection in the client with the GeoNetwork Catalogue we use the OneGeology Registry … Layer classification according to: - Geographic area, - Data owner, - Service provider

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 5 A test client before updating GeoSciML Client

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 6 Use case 5 : Registry – A GeoNetwork Catalogue No GeoSciML Vocabularies into GeoNetwork Catalogue … ! Metadata of: - services, - datasets, - styles, - contexts + SLD & WMC files User interface (search) Admin interface Adapted for GeoSciML requirements OGC-CSW 2.0 Interface BRGM Test Client BRGM GeoSciML Client

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 7 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies GeoSciML Vocabularies are not metadata but « data » - Not easy to store into the GeoNetwork Catalogue (*) - Specific functions needed to access/use vocabularies => Development of a specific service : Gsml Resource Service GeoSciML Vocabularies (XML Database) Gsml Resources Service BRGM Test Client BRGM GeoSciML Client Add Resource Delete Resource Get Resources GetConceptByTerm GetConceptByURN (*) To be revisited with an ebRIM Catalogue

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 8 Use case 5 : Registry – Search for services Select the « Service » Category

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 9 Use case 5 : Registry – Search for services – display metadata Service Metadata Layers provided by this WMS: Links with datasets metadata

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 10 Use case 5 : Registry – Search for SLD and WMC SL D ??

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 11 Use Case 5 : Registry – GeoNetwork Catalogue With the GeoNetwork Catalogue and its user interface we can: > Register services: WMS (+ layers) WFS and WCS: not yet tested > Register SLD and WMC and upload SLD and WMC files > Access services metadata and datasets metadata > Access SLD and WMC metadata, and download SLD and WMC files GeoNetwork has been modified: > to create service metadata (ISO19119) and dataset/layer(*) metadata (ISO19115) from Capabilities elements > to link WMS metadata and layer metadata (*) > to register SLD and WMC: New categories created Some ISO Metadata elements have been selected to describe SLD and WMC (*) Need to be tested for WFS with Feature Types, and for WCS with Coverages

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 12 Use case 5 : Registry – Use the OGC – CSW Interface

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 13 Use case 5 : Registry – Search for services Result : list of IDs, format XML or HTML (list of fields returned to be checked – more fields?)

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 14 Use case 5 : Registry – Search for services of the organisation “BRGM”

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 15 Use case 5 : Registry - Search for Web Map Contexts Result : a few metadata elements is returned with Dublin Core format

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 16 Use Case 1: How to access and use SLDs > SLD from a WMS the client knows the WMS URL from the catalogue and the layer name the client requests the WMS capabilities to find SLD available for this layer  The Catalogue should be able to provide the style name and title for the selected layer but this information is not yet stored into the GeoNetwork catalogue (no ISO19115 element for this)  Update the GeoNetwork catalogue with extension ? > “generic” SLD – standalone – stored into the catalogue Search for “SLD” Resource and download the SLD file or use the CSW service – Must have a keyword “SLD” to search with CSW Issues with the use of the “generic” SLD – Must contain the layer name – SLD filter and urn must be mapped to our own servers

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 17 Use case 1 : Select a SLD from WMS (test client) A request is sent to the GeoNetwork Catalogue to get the list of WMS

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 18 Use case 1 : Select a SLD from WMS (test client) The list of layers available in the GeoNetwork Catalogue

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 19 Use case 1 : Select a SLD (test client) List of layers available in the GeoNetwork Catalogue. Various available STYLEs are provided by a getCapabilities – STYLE name and title are not stored with the layer metadata into the catalogue. A getMap Request tests the use of SLD

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 20 Use case 1 : Select a SLD in the GeoSciML Client The GeoSciML Client must be modified: for a layer, the user can select one available STYLE Age Lithology Select a style for this layer:

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 21 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies GeoSciML Vocabularies are not metadata but « data » - Not easy to store into the GeoNetwork Catalogue (1) - Specific functions needed to access/use vocabularies => Development of a specific service : Gsml Resource Service (2) GeoSciML Vocabularies (XML Database) Gsml Resources Service BRGM Test Client BRGM GeoSciML Client Add Resource Delete Resource Get Resources GetConceptByTerm GetConceptByURN (1) To be revisited with an ebRIM Catalogue (2) The current version does not process concept relationships

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 22 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies (Test client)

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 23 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies (Test client) GeoSciML vocabularies: Drafts for review from the twiki (21/02/2008) GetResources

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 24 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies (Test client) GetConceptByTerm GeoSciML format HTML format

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 25 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies (Test client) GetConceptByURN GeoSciML format HTML format

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 26 Use case 5 : Registry – Vocabularies (Test client) A temporary tool to create GeoSciML vocabularies from Excel files (csv):

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 27 Use case 5 and others: how to use Vocabularies? WFS GeoSciML document Gsml Resources Service Vocabularies BRGM Geol DB urn:cgi:classifier:BRGM:Stratigraphy:2008:Cretaceous URN for Crétacé ? => urn:cgi:classifier:BRGM:Stratigraphy:2008:Cretaceous Need to solve this urn ? When ? By which component ? The WFS or the application using the GeoSciML document ? WFS WFS Simple Feature (GeoServer) BRGM WFS-X To transform XML =

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 28 Use case 5 and other: how to use Vocabularies? Crétacé … Paléogène Crétacé Jurassique Trias … Sélectionner un âge: Gsml Resources Service Vocabularies (GetConcepts in French of « Age vocabulary ») GeoSciML French client OK WFS Create the query to request the WFS (getFeature) urn:cgi:classifier:BRGM:Stratigraphy:2008:Cretaceous Gsml Resources Service (URN for Crétacé ? => urn:cgi:classifier:BRGM:Stratigraphy:2008:Cretaceous)

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 29 Use case 2 & Use case 3 : WFS query and download Select Geologic Units with Age = Cretaceous (request in French)

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 30 Use case 2 & Use case 3 : WFS query and download To do: To insert into the GeoSciML Client the components tested To add the “draw box” function To highlight selected features on the map? To update our WFS-X to process queries on boreholes (UC3d – attributes “length >x and lithologie is y”) To use WFS profiles? Issues: How to link Layer displayed on the map and WFS to query? – The user knows this link: he selects the WFS in a list (provided by the Catalogue) – This link is defined into the WMS Capabilities for each layer? ( - Eric proposal?) – This link is registered into the Catalogue?

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 31 Use case 4 : Data transport between products (GeoModeller, GSI3D, GDM) Already available: GDM has a GeoSciML parser (v1) Examples for boreholes according to GeoSciML v2 A new 3D viewer (demo) To do: To update the GDM parser to process GeoSciML v2 To take into account “urn” (to use the Gsml Resources service) To process the two possible ways to describe boreholes with GeoSciML To write the Data Product Specification For GDM

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 32 Use case 5: Next steps to satisfy other use cases requirements? To do: To improve the GeoNetwork Catalogue: – to modify the service metadata ID for an easier use – to store style name and title of each layer – to test it for WFS and WCS – to improve our experience of using the CSW interface – to manage Service profiles – query models? To improve the Gsml Resources Service – to process relationships between concepts – to check if the formats of the results meet all requirements Other points: To define the amount of metadata the Catalogue should store: – only to discover the services and datasets, then the client works with the capabilities – or to store much more information, to help the client Need to have “final” vocabularies (at least for lithology and age) What about using an open source tool (available in the “ontology” community) to manage the vocabularies content, and transform it into a GeoSciML format

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 33 More information available: How to register resources into the GeoNetwork Catalogue Technical details for CSW and Vocabularies WFS-X component Thank you for your attention

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 34 Use case 5 : Registry – Register a Service Use the « harvesting management » tool

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 35 Use case 5 : Registry – Register a Service

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 36 Use case 5 : Registry – Register a Service

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 37 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD Use the « XML Metadata Insert » tool

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 38 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD Copy and Paste the SLD or the WMC, select options

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 39 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD * = Mandatory elements The « harvester » does not find Title and Abstract in the SLD and create « wrong » keywords

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 40 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD Add the keyword « SLD » to search for SLD in the catalogue (SLD should be a new item in the hierarchyLevel list of metadata)

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 41 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD To upload the SLD file into the catalogue, the user must : - select the « File for download » protocol - save the metadata (then the « File » element and the Upload button appears), - select the SLD file - click the Upload button

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 42 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD It’s possible to link thumbnails to the SLD

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 43 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 44 Use Case 5 : Register a SLD Define access rights and Category (SLD)

GeoSciML meeting – Orléans – France 25 & 26 Feb 2008 > 45 Vocabulary : a Resource editor ?