Assignment Mars
Learning Intentions – by the end of this section:
4. Fiction versus Non-Fiction Fiction is a story that is created from your imagination. Nonfiction is a true story about real people and real events. Short story Science fiction Fable An imagined event Read in order Moral or theme Organised by chapters Real and factual Can be skipped Organised by topics Has charts, graphs and diagrams Good writing skills are needed for both. Beginning, middle and an end (structure). Use engaging and interesting language. Research required. Proof reading is essential. Remember your audience. Make it matter to your reader(s). Can inform. Can be illustrated.
5. Senses (and emotions) Draw a frame like this one, then pick out 20 words from the extract and fit them into the correct area of the frame. Some words might fit into more than one category, in which case you can use the overlapping frame. Hear See Taste Touch Smell
6. Nina’s Log Entries