What do we mean by inclusion? Introduction A child’s right Everyone taking part – being included and participating Without discrimination What do we mean by inclusion?
Inclusion is the law! States that our aim should be to promote access for all children to same range of services Children Act 2004 Set up in April 2000 to oversee the legislation Disability Rights Commission By law, children’s services are required to show they are planning and acting to remove barriers to discrimination Law designed to end discrimination Disability Discrimination Act 1995
What do we mean by inclusion? Inclusive play in early years settings Welcoming and diverse – celebrating diversity and differences Play environments which develop according to the interests of the children The practitioner is an ideal role model for an inclusive approach
What do we mean by inclusion? Barriers to inclusive practice Attitudes and assumptions The fear that children with additional needs require experts and special provision The stereotype that children with additional needs need to be cared for and always need one-to-one support Physical barriers, e.g. access Sensory barriers, e.g. lighting, acoustics
What do we mean by inclusion? Ways to make an inclusive approach work Visit an inclusive setting Experiment with new ideas and ways of presenting resources Accept that practitioners need to do things differently Training, to increase awareness of methods and approaches for responding to the individual needs of children Establish systems of support for practitioners
What do we mean by inclusion? Best practice provision Recognise the child’s individual needs Give the child choice and control Promote the child’s well-being and health Promote the child’s independence and self-esteem Balance the need to offer risk with the need to protect from harm
What do we mean by inclusion? A welcoming and inclusive environment A welcoming and inclusive environment is… welcoming of ALL children.
What do we mean by inclusion? A welcoming and inclusive environment Physical challenge is provided by stimulation of the five senses: light and shade reflections textures sounds.
What do we mean by inclusion? A welcoming and inclusive environment Risk and challenge is provided by testing and expanding ability: building confidence continuity between outdoors and indoors atmosphere of acceptance flexibility. Result? A happy setting where every child’s needs are met.