Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production Javier Dufour Systems Analysis Unit
For developing novel alternatives for hydrogen production MOST ENVIRONMENTALLY- FRIENDLY SYSTEM FROM A GLOBAL POINT OF VIEW? Reduction of CO 2 emissionsTechnical aspects LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT Powerful tool for taking into account all the stages of processes Total environmental impact
SR HTS LTS PSA Natural Gas Off-gas Hydrogen Steam Natural gas fuel HP Steam Rejected H 2, CH 4, CO 2 Water Steam reforming + CO 2 capture and storage (SMR+CCS)) DEA scrubbing Stripping Compression Injection
PLANT OPERATION System Boundary Catalysts production Plant commissioning Electricity prod./dist. Nat. Gas Prod./Dist. Steam Production H.P. Steam H2H2 Plant decommissioning Recycling Waste Treatment Wastes Materials CO 2 Capture CO 2 Storage Emissions Non-common elements Raw Materials and Energy
Less coal
Environmental performance of steam reforming of natural gas, ethanol and bioethanol is evaluated from a life-cycle point of view Comparison of results obtained with Eco-indicator 99 and Eco- indicator 95
Total single score Analysis with Eco-indicator 99 Normalization factorWeighting factor Human health Ecosystems quality Natural resources The most environmental- friendly process is the reforming of bioethanol (despite land use penalty) High environmental impacts associated with the production and utilization of fertilizers and land use Compensated by the low consumption of fossil fuels and the retention of CO 2 during biomass growth
Analysis with Eco-indicator Pt (Eco-indicator 95) BIO-SR Et-SR M-SR Ozone Layer Heavy Metals Carcinogens Summer Smog Winter Smog Greenhouse Effect Acidification Eutrophication BIO-SR leads to the highest impact No fossil fuels are considered