Qualitative Research What it is and how to do conduct
General Characteristics Based on heavy description Types –Case study –Ethnography- cultural studies –Ethno methodology- making sense of people and explaining how and why they behave –Grounded theory- making theory –Symbolic interaction
More General Characteristics Research good in understanding localized occurrences and contexts Topics are broad, but focus on a few people’s understanding Proposals- tentative but answer the following questions ( What, setting; context; data type; methods, importance of the study; contributions
Structure of Qualitative Research Participants are key Gaining entry into the context Characteristics Establishing trust and rapport
Picking Participants Relies on purposive selection How many- depends Types- –Maximum variation; homogeneous; critical case; theory based, confirming/disconfirming; snowball; deviant; typical; intensity; political; random purposeful; criterion; stratified purposeful; opportunistic; combination; convenience
Data collection Types/methods –Observations, interviews, documents, photographs, records, drawings, s, informal conversations, historical perspectives Cautions –Don’t take it personal; take time to introduce yourself; can’t be done quickly; be passive
Data Collection- Observations and Field notes Record –who Record- what is going on What were you doing Group Dynamics Direct quotes ANYTHING SUBJECTIVE- record as an O.C. (observers comment)
Guidelines to Data Collection Make no assumptions- put as O.C. Write field notes as soon as possible Leave margins to write comments Start looking for patterns and themes Follow-up on hunches and questions
Tips on interviewing Use exploratory questions Probe Listen- do not interrupt Avoid debates
Problems with Qualitative Research Validity issues and bias –To avoid- take detailed notes Leaving field and ending study