The Beginnings of Judaism Chapter 5 lesson 3
I. Abraham A. Married Sarah B. From city-state Ur C. Bible says he was told to go to Canaan by God D. At Canaan God made a covenant (a binding agreement or promise) with Abraham E. This promise is consider the beginning of the Jewish peoples’ history F. Jewish people are called Israelites after Abraham’s grandson Israel.
The Beginnings of Judaism Almost 600 years later….. II. Moses (family lived in Egypt as Hebrew slaves) A. placed in a basket in the Nile River by his mother as a baby (to escape Pharaoh’s order to drown all male Hebrew babies) A. was found and raised by the pharaoh’s daughter as royalty B. killed an Egyptian that was beating a Hebrew slave C. fled Egypt but returned 40 years later to free the Israelites from slavery on God’s orders. D. wandered forty years in the desert with the Israelites
The plagues as they appear in the Bible are: 1.(exodus 7:14–25) water turned to blood killing all fish and other water life. 2.(exodus 8:1–8:15) frogs 3.(exodus 8:16–19) lice or gnats 4.(exodus 8:20–30) flies or beasts 5.(exodus 9:1–7) disease on livestock 6.(exodus 9:8–12) unhealable boils 7.(exodus 9:13–35) hail mixed with fire 8.(exodus 10:1–20) locusts 9.(exodus 10:21–29) darkness 10.(exodus 11,12) death of the first-born of all humans and animals who do not have marked doorposts.
The Beginnings of Judaism Parting of the Red Sea
The Beginnings of Judaism Moses was given 5 books of law at Mount Sinai by God, called the Torah F. these books contained the Ten Commandments G. was a monotheist H. did not enter Canaan (the land promised to them by God) with the Israelites.
The Beginnings of Judaism
III. Israel A. Israelites defeated several kings in Canaan B. Israel became a powerful nation under King David C. C B.C. king David made Jerusalem his capital D. King Solomon, David’s son, built the great temple in Jerusalem E. Saturday is Sabbath (day of rest)
The Beginnings of Judaism F. C. 928 B.C. Israel split into two kingdoms during the reign of Solomons son, Rehoboam. G. C. 721 B.C. Assyrians conquered northern kingdom, called Israel H. South kingdom was Judah, Babylonians conquer them c. 586 B.C. I. Word Jew comes from the word Judah J. Jews were forced to leave and scattered to many different places, this is called the Diaspora (the scattering)