REVIEW OF COPS CALENDAR /10/2012 Harika Basaran
2 BACKGROUND During HR and Governance Committee Meeting -Monday, December 12, 2011 concerns were raised by some of the Board members if TAC really did an in depth review of the COPS and RMS schedules and the necessity for the continuation of the groups as well as possible merger of the groups. All the subcommittees and working groups including TAC and Board are encouraged to review their meeting schedules and cancel meetings if there are no urgent action items in order to reduce burden on ERCOT Staff’s time and resources as well as MPs’. COPS and its working groups should do a detailed review of the reasons for their existence and meeting frequencies. Some ideas are outlined here for all the COPS members to discuss and provide feedback so that COPS Leadership can provide an official report to TAC/Board to reflect the COPS participants’ response.
3 COPS CALENDAR 2012 Some alternatives are : 1.COPS meets every other month (6 meetings) 2.COPS meet quarterly (4 meetings) 3.COPS cancels March, June, September and December (8 meetings) 4.COPS and RMS alternate each month (need to discuss with RMS) 5.COPS keeps the current schedule and each agenda call depending on the urgency of the action and voting items the meeting is held or cancelled. 6.Any other option??
4 REVIEW OF THE COPS WORKING GROUPS Each WG reporting to COPS should review its goals for 2012 and revise its calendar if necessary. Survey the MPs and ERCOT Staff to receive feedback regarding their benefit of the working group meetings and their end products (such as guides, handbooks etc.) Both CCWG and SEWG had difficulty in receiving applicants for the Leadership in –Both have similar audience. –SEWG handbook now a part of the CCWG Document. Options: 1) Combine SEWG and CCWG under one WG for 2012 and evaluate at the end of the year the impacts. 2) Revise the calendar so that both groups meet at the same days (SEWGs days, like CWG and MCWG) Meeting Title (optional)Date
5 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Meeting Title (optional)Date