Club Reporting Requirements defined Manual of Procedure –2010 Page 260 Joe Ferguson, District Secretary D.T.T.S. 2012
Tasks WeeklyMonthly Semi-annuallyAnnually Always (on-going)
This month’s report How many and who attended? Report frequent absences to club’s membership chairman. Compute percentage Enter in District database monthly
Here This month With each new member, change of address or attrition; enter under club’s name on website Report average attendance (on website) following the last meeting, and before the 15 th of the next month.
Semi-Annually January 1 and July 1 SAR report to be completed and filed with dues
Annually December 31 is deadline to report election of new officers for next Rotary year (begins July). Send same information to District Directory Editor
On-Going Keep a copy of the club’s By-Laws (Make sure your Club President has a copy available for your AG) (Make sure your Club President has a copy available for your AG) Maintain a file of Minutes of Meetings, Membership Records, and Other club documents.
(Your Club)