Cumulative Chapter Goals for the Year
Overview Refreshing your memory: The purpose of the Collective Planning process was to build a set of exciting national goals for student chapters, from the bottom up! In this powerpoint you will find: The goals set by chapters leaders for the various program areas As we did not have 100% participation, we extrapolated on the average goals entered to get a more accurate estimate This is useful for: Sharing with the chapter and supporters to give a sense of the national ‘big picture’ Reflecting on your progress at a chapter level so far this year, and how you will contribute to these goals in the coming semester Incentivizing CHAMP usage! Only by tracking our activities can we determine how successful we are in achieving these goals and make sure we count YOUR contribution towards them!
Youth Engagement Goal Students Reached through SO 26,41727,553 Number of presentations Schools visited more than once Youth reached outside of SO 14, “Youth Engagement (and SO) is seen as an important part of the chapter initiatives and is exciting for people to take part in (e.g. growing volunteer base)”
Public Outreach - general Goal # of People Reached in On- Campus outreach 80,050- # of People Reached in Off- Campus outreach 40,000Combined with above: 110,000 # of Events # of People engaged in Workplace Outreach # of People Reached at Level 3 Engagement 10, “UBC students have a significantly more positive view of Africa, with an understanding of the entrepreneurial capacity and lack of opportunity of Africans in general. Basically a change in student's perspectives of Africa. In addition, this change in attitude will manifest in decisions that support Africa.”
Public Outreach – Fair Trade Goal People reached through Reverse Trick or Treat 46, People reached on Fair Trade outside of RToT 36,85530,000 # of Fair Trade Events # of Fair Trade Universities40 “I want to see a behaviour change in consumption from students of MacDonald Campus. I want students to realize the different impact they have by buying our fair trade coffee as opposed to Sodexho goods”
Advocacy Goal Total # of Meetings with Decision- makers # of MPs met10580 Letters sent to MPs Petition Signatures 18, Advocacy-focused Member Learning 7910 ACT-Focused Outreach Events62No record Letters-to-the-Editor published1109 Media Stories41No record “I aim to better connect all Ontario chapters to Advocacy as a province-wide team in hopes of helping each other improve and learn over the course of the year”
Global Engineering Goal # of Students Reached20,50014,270 # of GE Class-hours # of Faculty Members (TAs+Profs) Engaged in GE # of People Reached through GE/ESTW-related Outreach 50,000 23,600 # of Articles written about GE4821 “Use ESTW as a promotion message and brand, connect to outreach activities in the chapter” “Be highly visible and well regarded within the engineering faculty on campus”
Member Learning Goal Member Learning Hours25,00023,500 # of ML Activities Average Attendance2017 # of Presentations Created158No record # of other chapter’s presentations used 300No record # of Workshops about EWB’s work in Africa 154No record # of times Chapter-African Partner is contacted 358No record “I would like to see ML contribute to a greater sophistication of members' development knowledge” “Increase attendance, especially of core members”
Fundraising Goal $ from Grants, Donations, & Sponsorship (incl. Uni) 452,000293,000 $ from One-off Events138,000111,000 $ from Recurring activities95,000(incl. in above) # of Presentations Created158No record Total $ Raised780,000413,000 # of Participants in Perspectives Campaign “More sustainable sources of funding. A higher proportion of the chapter participating in fundraising” “By holding small repetitive fundraisers and once a month big fundraisers, we can have fun and at the same time not stress too much regarding fundraising because we'll always have a source of input from the small ones.”
Finance Goal Reports are submitted on time 25 / 27 (94%) 20 / 27 (74%) A finance update is given to the Exec at least once a month 25 / 27 (94%) 20 / 27 (74%) Budgets are made for each big event and most small- med events 25 / 27 (94%) 20 / 27 (74%) JF payments are on time25 / 27 (94%) “Reimbursement has a short turn around time (no more than 1 month)” “Exec is interested in/conscious of finances”