Section 2: The Holy Roman Empire and the Church
Church Power Middle Ages- The Church spread its influence and increased its power across Europe. Conflicts between secular rulers and Church rulers.
Pope Gregory VII Determined to make the church independent of secular rulers. He banned the practice of lay investiture- when a lay person installed a bishop in office.
Emperor Henry IV (Germany) Angered by Pope Gregory’s actions the two exchanged insulting notes. How did the pope react? The pope (Gregory) excommunicated Henry Henry took revenge on Gregory by leading an army to Rome and forced the pope into exile. What is the significance of the 1122 Concordat of Worms? Treaty declared the Church had the sole power to elect and invest bishops with spiritual authority.
The Height of Church Power Pope Innocent III Why is he considered the most powerful pope of the Middle Ages? He excommunicated King John of England Placed the entire kingdom under interdict Monarchs started to get stronger and centralized their power
Section 3: Europeans Look Outward
The Crusades What caused the Crusades? What council did Pope Urban II call after Emperor Alexius I ask him for help? Council of Clermont Why did the pope agree to help? 1. Hoped to increase his power 2. Heal schism (or, at least try)
The Crusades What motivated the Europeans to go fight in the Holy Land? Religious Zeal Many knights hoped to win wealth and land
The Crusades Who was Saladin? Muslim leader who had control of Jerusalem Who sacked Constantinople and why? Muslims Why did Europeans lose the Crusades? Muslim armies overran the crusader states
The effects of the Crusades Economic expansion- how? Increased power of monarchs- how, why? The Church- what changed? A wider world view- how so? Religious anger turned toward Jews- how, why?
The Reconquista in Spain What was the Reconquista? North African Muslims (Moors) were in present day Spain Christian kingdom expanded their borders The campaign to drive out Muslims from the peninsula was known as Reconquista What monarchs initiated it? Ferdinand and Isabella
What were the effects of the Reconquista? Ferdinand and Isabella wanted to bring unity to the diverse people Especially religious unity Jews and Muslims were no longer tolerated What was the Inquisition? A Church court set up to try people accused of heresy.
Section 4: Learning Literature and the Arts Medieval Universities Why did they spring up in the Middle Ages? What were their purpose? Academic Guilds- what are they? Cathedrals to train clergy Student life What was it like to be a student?
Women and Education Were women allowed to be educated, why or why not? Christine de Pizan Writer born in Italy and moved to the French court The City of Ladies Questioned several imaginary characters about men’s negative views on women What role should women play according to men?
Christine de Pizan “Not all men (and especially the wisest) share the opinion that it is bad for women to be educated. But it is very true that many foolish men have claimed this because it displeased them that women knew more than they did.” ― Christine de Pizan, The Book of the City of LadiesChristine de Pizan, The Book of the City of Ladies
Christine de Pizan “How was she created? I'm not sure if you realize this, but it was in God's image. How can anybody dare to speak ill of something which bears such a noble imprint?” ― Christine de Pizan, The Book of the City of LadiesChristine de Pizan, The Book of the City of Ladies
“New Learning” Spread of learning Who was responsible for bringing the interest of learning back to the Europeans? Philosophy Aristotle taught that people should use reason discover basic truths Christians accepted many ideas on faith- clash To try to resolve conflict- Scholasticism used reason to support Christian beliefs Science and Mathematics Why did science not make many advancements during the Middle Ages?
Medieval Literature Writings began to appear in the vernacular Literature included epics (long narrative poems) Spain’s Poem of the Cid Dante’s Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri takes the reader through an imaginary journey into hell and purgatory where souls await forgiveness and then his vision of heaven Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Band of English pilgrims traveling to Thomas Becket’s tomb Characters each have story to tell
Arts and Architecture Romanesque What did it look like? Gothic What did Gothic Cathedrals look like? Why did they have stained glass windows? Illuminated Manuscripts What were they and what was their purpose?
Romanesque Floor Plans
St. Filibert, France 10 th Century
Interior of a Romanesque Cathedral
Gothic Cathedral
Gothic Floor Plans
Canterbury Cathedral, England
Interior of a Gothic Cathedral
St. Etienne, Bourges, Late 12 th Century Flying Buttress!!
Flying Buttress
Cathedral Gargoyles
Stained Glass Windows For the glory of God. For religious instructions.
The Crucifixion Giotto 1305 Tempera on wood and ground gold