Zombie- Salem Witch Trials Kiani Acevedo
Zombie-Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials were about 3 woman preforming witch craft were burned alive. When Zombie sings about “20 innocent” he’s referring to the 20 innocent people who died during the trials.
About the Salem Witch Trials A witchcraft craze rippled through Europe from the 1300’s to the end of 1600’s. Tens of thousands of people were executed. Mostly woman were executed.
Who was involved Elizabeth, Abbie and Annwere the two girls who lied and said that they were under witchcraft. This is how it all started. They were the daughter and niece of Samuel Paris. The three women who were accused of the witchcraft act were Tatuba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne.
What happened After they accused the three women for witchcraft they killed them. Then they killed 20 more innocent people for the act of witchcraft.
What happened at the end Ann had became religious and started going to church. After a couple of years she admitted to her pastor that her and these girls lied about being under witchcraft. 20 innocent people died…..