Why? English New Media Classroom Chris Higgins, Instructional Technology Specialist, OIT Catherine Hays, Coordinator, Academic Technology, College of ARHU
WAM login Ask for a login if you don’t have a current wam account.
Technology tools can help you: address challenges that you face meet the needs of different learning styles respond to diverse populations facilitate greater participation by the students improve students writing and research skills provide access to Resources: Web, CDRom, DVD prepare students for academic and professional worlds
Access to Tools Word Processor Desktop Publishing: Pagemaker… Image Editing: Photoshop… Presentation Graphics: Powerpoint… Internet- , WWW, file servers… Webpage Creation: Dreamweaver… VCR Projection
Communication Collaborative Virtual Workspace What questions do you have about the English New Media Classroom?
File Sharing Collaborative Virtual Workspace Peer Editing
Login: Collaborative Virtual Workspace Login: sqhntxx Password: cvwxx for example: Login: sqhnt01 Password: cvw01
Brainstorming WebIQ What challenges do you face in your teaching?
Other tools with similar functionality: Web IQ WebCT WebChat, example pagesexample pages One Minute Paper, Multichat
Access to Resources Primary source materials: digitized manuscripts Visual material, scanned images Video/ Audio Material Multimedia Collections
Small Group Collaboration What did you find at the site that you did not expect to? What might your students find useful at these sites? How do these sites deal with similar material differently? What might be challenging about using these sites as resources?
Put the tools in the hands of the students Oral Presentations with Powerpoint Collaborative projects such as website creation Research Projects
Assessment: , CVW, WebIQ What are some things that you think you could use this room for? What questions do you still have? Is there anything that we did not touch on that you would like to know about?
What's next? Possibilities More indepth training sessions Other training opportunities
Resources Chris Higgins, , Catherine Hays, , New Instructional Technology staff member