Lighting Effects Photography 101
Broader Light = Softer Light Broad light source lessens shadows, reduces contrast, suppresses texture Narrow light source does the opposite Tip: Position a portrait subject near a large, bright window that does not receive direct sunlight.
Broad Light Photo
Distance with Lighting Farther the source, the harder the light Closer the source, the softer the light
Light Diffusion Light diffusers soften light by broadening a light source through spreading the light over a bigger area. Clouds are nature’s light diffuser with the sun. Otherwise use white fabric, translucent plastic as a cheaper method to diffuse light.
Bouncing Light Diffuses Bouncing light off a matte surface will reflect and diffuse the light Bounce off a shiny surface and the light will stay narrow and hard. Use crumpled foil on a board to provide a sparkly effect on subjects.
Light Diffused Example
Friday - Lighting Cont’d Lighting Fall off Shadows Natural Lighting