Would you rather... Wait an extra 30 minutes in the doctor’s office, or 30 minutes at the DMV? Spend one hour in traffic, or one hour at the landfill?
Would you rather... Be last in line at the school pick-up line, or last in line at an over-crowded, under- staffed check out line?
There are lessons to learn from every story and event in the Bible. Today we will see some lessons we can learn from Jesus raising a man from the dead. One such lesson is that it is always worth waiting on God’s timing.
The Wait Was Worth It! John 11:1-44 family theme: The Compassionate Savior family theme: The Compassionate Savior
Know: Christ moved people to faith through raising Lazarus from the dead. Think: Recognize that we have eternal life through faith in Christ who has power over death. Do: Lead the hurting to faith by showing compassion and proclaiming Christ as conqueror of death. Know: Christ moved people to faith through raising Lazarus from the dead. Think: Recognize that we have eternal life through faith in Christ who has power over death. Do: Lead the hurting to faith by showing compassion and proclaiming Christ as conqueror of death. Objectives:
Christ Waited to Raise Lazarus So His Disciples Might Believe John 11:1-16
The illness and death of Lazarus demonstrated how sin brought death and destruction into the world.
Christ Waited to Raise Lazarus So His Disciples Might Believe Christ dealt patiently with His disciples and continued to lovingly teach them. He would use this situation (the raising of Lazarus) for good, and the disciples would witness His power firsthand.
God may make us wait in order to grow our faith. Why do you think Jesus stayed where He was for two days before starting the journey to Bethany?
God may make us wait in order to grow our faith. How do people tend to respond when things don’t happen as quickly as they would like? How can we learn to wait patiently for God to work His plan?
Christ Preached His Own Resurrection So His Followers Might Believe John 11:17-29
His power over death and the grave demonstrates that Jesus Christ is the sovereign Lord of all.
Christ Preached His Own Resurrection So That His Followers Might Believe Christ wanted them to realize that He was the Son of God and that resurrection and eternal life are in and through Him. Everyone who believes in Him will rise from the dead and have eternal life.
We proclaim faith in Christ as the way to resurrection and eternal life. What hope and assurance do we find in Jesus’ claims in verses 25-26? How can we more effectively share the good news of the resurrection with others?
Jesus Cares About People’s Pain, So They Might Believe John 11:30-44
Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead demonstrated that Jesus Christ is the sovereign Lord of all.
Jesus Cares About People’s Pain, So They Might Believe Jesus cared deeply about the brokenness and pain that sin has brought into the world. He raised Lazarus from the dead so that the people would see God’s glory and believe that God had sent Him as the promised Messiah.
We see Christ’s great compassion for us, and for all who are hurting. How does this account demonstrate that God really cares about his children?
We see Christ’s great compassion for us, and for all who are hurting. When have you found comfort in knowing that Jesus cares about you and has compassion for you when you are struggling or hurting?
When have you struggled to wait for God’s timing in some area of your life? What did you learn from that experience?
Available for FREE download at D6home.com Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action
Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at D6home.com
FUSION provides a daily Bible reading schedule, devotional thoughts, and insightful questions designed to help adults apply and respond throughout the week to the lesson learned on Sunday.
FUSIONext provides a daily Bible reading, devotional thought, and insightful questions designed to help adults with grown children, empty-nesters, and mentors reinforce the lesson throughout the week as they follow Christ and promote generational discipleship.