It’s on the rise!
Overeating Eating Junk Food Chemical Poisoning Bacterial Invasion Use of refined sugar Little dietary fiber Considerably less raw fruit and vegetables
Influence intestinal flora to produce compounds toxic to intestinal lining. Lactose malabsorption (7 of 8 patients) Contain more chemical additives –Dyes - Flavors - Stabilizers
Introducing infants to table food before 6-8 months of age. Eating foods to which one is sensitive. Chemical injury by drugs.
A gluten-free trial is always advised –wheat –barley –rye –oats
The objective of natural remedies is to put the patient in remission and maintain the patient symptom-free for the rest of their life.
Fat free diet Need the essential fatty acids No animal products Use of high residue foods to keep the colon clean
Use liberal quantities of complex carbohydrates. Dextrinize grains. Avoid foods known to have laxative effects. Seasonings and cold fluids to be avoided.
Navy beans, soybeans, lima beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, radishes, cucumbers, celery, corn, apples, raisins, bananas, prune juice, grape juice, and apple well as: Spicy foods, cold liquids, and carbonated beverages.
Wear a heating compress at night. No tight bands around the abdomen. No laxatives. Warm enemas twice a day if needed.
Daily sun bath. Drink plenty of water. Avoid stress as found in competitive games, anxiety, and worry. Chew your food well. NO MILK. Two meals a day. Exercise, exercise, exercise.