Response to Instruction Informal Assessments Common Core Standards Selena Florence Elementary Curriculum Supervisor October 6, 2011
What do you know about Response to Instruction (RTI)?
Response to Instruction (RTI) Instruction is divided into three Tiers: Tier I-Core Instruction (80%) Tier II-Small Group Instruction/Re-teaching (15%) Tier III-Intense Re-teaching (5%)
Tier I- Identifying the Objectives Defined for us in the Alabama Course of Study Five Content Strands –Number and Operations –Algebra –Geometry –Measurement –Data Analysis and Probability
Instructing According to the Objectives: Use all three levels of learning when instructing students Concrete Semi-Concrete Abstract Start with concrete and move to abstract Extremely important to use vocabulary associated with specific standards
Tier II- Guided by Informal Assessments What is an informal assessment? any tool a teacher may use to gain instant feedback about a student’s mastery of specific skills or concepts
Informal Assessments Are… Ongoing Used to address misunderstandings immediately Used to monitor student progress and provide feedback Used to guide instruction Tied to Formal Assessments
Types of Informal Assessments Math Journals Observations Daily Oral Math (D.O.M.) Daily Independent Work Interviews Rubrics Portfolios
When Using Informal Assessments, Look For: Types of Errors Level Of Understanding Mastery Learning
Tier III A student’s success or lack of success will determine if they move to Tier III.
To Summarize: 1)Identify the objectives 2)Instruct according to the objectives (Tier I) 3)Assess the objectives that were taught (Informal Assessments) 4)For any objectives not attained, re-teach. (Tier II and Tier III)
Common Core State Standards Alabama will vote on whether or not to adopt the standards in November. Adoption is optional for each state. The development of common standards is a state led initiative coordinated by the National Governor’s Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The standards were developed by teachers, school administrators, parents, and other experts from across the nation.
Which states have adopted the Common Core?
“The Common Core State Standards will enable participating states to work together to: Make expectations for students clear to parents, teachers, and the general public; Encourage the development of textbooks, digital media, and other teaching materials aligned to the standards; Develop and implement comprehensive assessment systems to measure student performance against the common core state standards that will replace the existing testing systems that too often are inconsistent, burdensome and confusing”