Genative and Dative. Case Nominative Accusative Subject Function Direct Object The brother sees the apostle Example The brother sees the apostle.


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Presentation transcript:

Genative and Dative

Case Nominative Accusative Subject Function Direct Object The brother sees the apostle Example The brother sees the apostle

Possession Case Nominative Accusative Subject Function Direct Object The brother sees the apostle Example The brother sees the apostle Genative The brother of the apostle Location Dative The brother comes to the apostle

j Case Endings Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter &n Acc Sng nn i Nom Pl ia Acc Pl ujj n a

j Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter &n Acc Sng nn i Nom Pl ia Gen Pl wn n Gen Sng uju Dat Sng iii ij Dat Pl ij Acc Pl ujja

logoj Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter grafhe;rgon Gen Sng logougrafhj logoi Nom Pl grafaie;rga Gen Pl logwngrafw/n e;rgou e;rgwn logoij Dat Pl grafaije;rgaij Acc Pl logoujgrafaje;rga logw| Dat Sng grafh|e;rgw| Acc Sng logongrafhne;rgon

o` Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter h`to, Gen Sng tou/th/j oi` Nom Pl ai`ta, Gen Pl tw/n to/u tw/n tw|/ Dat Sng th|/tw|/ Acc Sng to,nth,,nto, toi/j Dat Pl tai/jtoi/j Acc Pl tou,jta,jta,

ai` grafaioi` logoi tw/n lo,gwn tw/n grafwn taij grafaij o` logoj MasculineFeminineNeuter h` grafhto, e;rgon Gen Sng to/u logouth/j grafhj Nom Pl ta. e;rga Acc Pl tou/ e;rgou tw/n e;rgwn Nom Sng tw|/ logw|th/ grafh|/tw|/ e;rgw| Acc Sng to.n logonth.n grafhnto, e;rgon Dat Sng toi/j logoij Nom Pl toi/j e;rgoij Acc Pl tou.j logoujta.j grafajta. e;rga

oi` logoi tw/n lo,gwno` logoj to/u logou tw|/ logw| to.n logontoi/j logoij tou.j logouj

ai` grafai tw/n grafwn taij grafaij h` grafhth/j grafhj th/ grafh|/th.n grafhn ta.j grafaj

o` logoj

th/j grafhj

to/u logou

tw/n lo,gwn

toi/j logoij

tou/ e;rgou

tw/n e;rgwn

toi/j e;rgoij

taij grafaij

tou.j logouj

tw/n grafwn

toi/j logoij

ai` grafai

tw/n lo,gwn

tw|/ logw|

to/u logou

tw/n e;rgwn

tou/ e;rgou

tw|/ logw|

tou.j logouj

do,xa qew/|

o` de. dou/loj ouv me,nei evn th/| oivki,a| eivj to.n aivw/na( o` ui`o.j me,nei eivj to.n aivw/naÅ [remains not] [remains] (John 8:35)

VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/( ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ (Mark 1:1)

h` basilei,a tw/n ouvranw/n

o` ouvrano.j kai. h` gh/ pareleu,sontai( oi` de. lo,goi mou ouv mh. pareleu,sontaiÅ [shall pass away] (Luke 21:33)

ku,rioj ga,r evstin tou/ sabba,tou o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pouÅ For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8).

kai. ga.r evgw. a;nqrwpo,j eivmi u`po. evxousi,an (under) (Luke 7:8)

VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ cristou/( ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/\ (Mark 1:1)

u`mei/j e;cete ku,rion evn ouvranw/|Å (You have) (Colossians 4:1)

:Wfqh de. auvtw/| a;ggeloj avpV ouvranou/ (There was seen)(from) (Luke 22:43)

a;ggeloi evn toi/j ouvranoi/j

h` doxa evn toi/j ouvranoi/j

w[ste ku,rio,j evstin o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou kai. tou/ sabba,touÅ (Mark 2:28)