HPV Genital Warts and Cancer By: Bobbie Wilde
Type of Pathogen: HPV: Human Papilloma Virus – is the most commonly spread STD It can be found in both males and females It is highly contagious but can only be spread through mucous membranes can affect the mouth and throat Genital Warts: Can be cancerous Is caused from having HPV HPV is a virus causing disease
Symptoms: It can take months for signs or symptoms to surface after sexual contact In most cases the body heals itself of HPV itself but it doesn’t mean other health problems will surface later in life There aren’t any apparent symptoms but it would surface as genital warts or Cervical cancer (females only) Genital warts are typically bumps in the genital area Large or small Raised or flat Shaped like Cauliflower
Treatment: No treatments for HPV but treatments for health issues caused by it Genital Warts: can be removed through the provider If left untreated warts could go away or reduce in size or get larger Cervical Cancer: cancer treatment Most treatable when caught early Routine paps RRP- Reoccuring Respiratory Papillomatis: surgery or medicine
Systems Affected: Integumentary System – skin Reproductive System – Cervix Respiratory System – Throat and Mouth
Who Gets It? Both males and females can get HPV Sexually active males or females with more than one partner Women are the only ones who can get cervical cancer