Case Planning Jeopardy! Tick-Tock The Main Course It’s the Law Practice Paradise GO TO FINAL OUTCOMES JEOPARDY!
Tick-Tock for 10 3 X in 30 days
Tick-Tock for hours
Tick-Tock for days
Tick-Tock for 40 6 months
The Main Course for 10 The written document which is developed by the social worker and family based on an assessment of circumstances which required child welfare services and includes goals, objectives and services
The Main Course for 20 The case planning practice that includes the social worker, the family and others working as a team
The Main Course for 30 A statement that describes a specific behavioral outcome that will achieve the desired permanency goal
The Main Course for 40 Systemic oppression, negative expectations, and a mismatch of needs and services
It’s the Law for 10 The ‘mark’ that provides legal documentation that the parents have seen the case plan
It’s the Law for 20 The federal legislation that guides practice with Native American children
It’s the Law for 30 The process of immediate, simultaneous and continuous assessment and case planning for two possible case outcomes.
It’s the Law for 40 The work child welfare agencies do to prevent placement and keep families together or return children home as soon as possible
Practice Paradise for 10 1.Remain safely in home 2.Return Home 3.Adoption with Siblings 4.Adoption 5.Maintain in legal guardianship 6.Legal Guardianship 7.LTFC with Relative 8.LTFC with non-relative 9.Stable foster care with emancipation
Practice Paradise for 20 -Setting mutually satisfying goals -Providing relevant services -Focusing on skill development
Practice Paradise for 30 - Building connections - Finding housing - Education services - Improving skills in activities of daily living
Practice Paradise for 40 The social standard for the minimum of parent behavior below which a home is inadequate for the care of a child.
What it’s All About!! Final CASE Planning Jeopardy!
What It’s All About! Final Casework Jeopardy! By using these, the casework process is likely to be more positive and ultimately successful so that parents will be able to provide the minimum sufficient level of care.