Inductive Argument Premise = The world appears to have order and purpose. The world is complex, which is evidence that it has been designed. If the world has been designed, there must be a designer. Conclusion = It is likely that the earth was created by an intelligent designer - God.
Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica 5 Ways Design Qua Regularity Heart Order in nature Order is beneficial Archer analogy
William Paley Similar effects have similar causes Watch analogy Design Qua Regularity (Planets) Design Qua Purpose (Eye) Scale and Proportion
The Philosophical Critique – David Hume Moving too far from the evidence No way to check there is a worldmaker If God made us, who made God? Anthropomorphism Only one worldmaker? Suffering and evil – John Stuart Mill
Scientific Challenge – Richard Dawkins “All attempts to understand humanity before 1859 are useless.” The Blind Watchmaker Natural Selection and Evolution “... A better alternative.” “... blind unconscious automatic process.” “... wrong, gloriously and utterly wrong.”
Richard Swinburne – Protecting the Argument from Design Argument from Spatial Order Argument from Temporal Order Anthropic Principle Ockham’s Razor Parable of the Kidnapped Man Philosophical Challenges Scientific Challenges
Polkinghorne and de Chardin These thinkers support the Anthropic Principle. They state that the fact that conditions on earth were such that intelligent life could emerge requires an explanation.
Tennant’s Aesthetic Principle The beauty of the world requires an explanation Natural Selection does not explain beauty, art, poetry or music. Humans enjoy beauty, suggesting a God who created beauty for them.
Strengths Kant Swinburne A posteriori Cumulative argument Anthropic Principle Aesthetic Principle
Weaknesses Kant – too far from the evidence? Inductive John Stuart Mill Remarkable events do happen – random chance The Leaky Bucket Argument