CONCEPTS EXPLORED IN THIS LESSON 1) Introduction to Ecosystems 2) Ecosystems 3) Types of Ecosystems 4) Biodiversity 5) Habitat 6) Ecological Niche 7) Groupings of Life 8) Species 9) Environmental Sustainability 10) Case Study: Easter Island
INTRODUCTION TO ECOSYSTEMS “bios” = life “logia” = the studyof the study of The _____ of ___. studylife
within their ___________. INTRODUCTION TO ECOSYSTEMS The _____ of ___. “ oikos ” =households (creatures within their surroundings) studylife The _____ of study environment _________ organisms The _____ ofstudy __________. ecosystems or “bios” = life “logia” = the studyof the study of
to _________. in order _________ work with ______ components abiotic ECOSYSTEMS A system where the _____ components sunlight fungi water (amount, type) wind (direction, speed) soil conditions temperature plants animals decomposers biotic sustain life and with “living” “non-living” each other
These are based on the ____. These are based in the _____. MARINE MARINE ecosystems contain _________. FRESHWATER FRESH WATER ecosystems contain __________. e.g. salt water sea, ocean water river, stream, lake, pond fresh water land forest, grassland, desert, tundra
These ecosystems _____ ________ and ________ by humans. e.g. designedmanaged ARE park, farm, schoolyard, Marine Land, zoo, backyard, aquarium TYPES OF ECOSYSTEMS These ecosystems ________ ________ and ________ by humans. e.g. designedmanaged ARE NOT field, meadow, stream, primary growth forest
These have _____ types of organisms. fewer These have _____ types of organisms. more These ecosystems _____ ________ and ________ by humans. e.g. designedmanaged ARE parks, farms, schoolyard, Marine Land, zoo, backyard, aquarium These ecosystems ________ ________ and ________ by humans. e.g. designedmanaged ARE NOT field, meadow, stream, primary growth forest
BIODIVERSITY A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types
BIODIVERSITY A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types Low BiodiversityHigh Biodiversity
BIODIVERSITY A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types Low BiodiversityHigh Biodiversity
Low BiodiversityHigh Biodiversity BIODIVERSITY A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types
BIODIVERSITY LOW LOW biodiversity makes an ecosystem _______. HIGH HIGH biodiversity makes an ecosystem _______. weakerstronger Some conservationists feel that focusing on threatened areas with higher biodiversity is the best approach. Conservationists are people who work to save organisms and ecosystems. But since their resources are limited, and there are many ecosystems in threat, they have to decide where to focus their efforts. A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types
by ______ activities. and which are under _____ BIODIVERSITY Places with _______________ threat high biodiversity A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types human
and __ more are under consideration. There are ___ hotspots and have lost ___% of its primary vegetation. by ______ activities. and which are under _____ BIODIVERSITY Places with _______________ threat high biodiversity A measure of the _______ of _____________ of organisms in an ecosystem. number different types human It has to have at least _____ native plants What makes a place a hotspot?
and which it depends on to __________________. HABITAT The natural environment in which a ___________ species lives meet all of its needs
and which it depends on to __________________. HABITAT The natural environment in which a ___________ species lives meet all of its needs
Deforestation Desertification Soil Erosion Sedimentation of Waterways Urbanization HABITAT What do you think was here before? Without plant roots, there’s nothing to hold on to the soil when it rains in wet climates. For lumber, agricultural land, pasture lands or creating towns. Without plant roots, there’s nothing to trap water and hold it in the soil in drier climates.
HABITAT United StatesBorneo
60% Cattle Ranches 33% 33% Subsistence Agriculture 3% 3% Logging 1% Commercial Agriculture 3% 3% Fires, Mining, Roads, Dams, Cities Amazon Rainforest HABITAT Destruction of Indonesian Forests: The Appetite for Palm Oil.
ECOLOGICAL NICHE Its role is determined by ______________ with the biotic and abiotic components of its ecosystem. The specific ____ a species performs in its ecosystem. role how it interacts
ECOLOGICAL NICHE Its role is determined by ______________ with the biotic and abiotic components of its ecosystem. The specific ____ a species performs in its ecosystem. role how it interacts
ECOLOGICAL NICHE Compare eats rodents active at night active at day hunts in forests hunts in grasslands nests in low trees nests in tall trees This ___________________ and makes room for many species. Niches can _______, but are ___________________. overlap never exactly the same decreases competition OWLHAWK
GROUPINGS OF LIFE One organism in a population of the same species. A group of individuals of a species in an area. All populations of all species in an area. A community and its abiotic environment. A group of similar ecosystems. The sum of all the ecosystems on the Earth. Each group of life gets more complex as you move forward.
or of the _____ species but of different breeds, strains or varieties. A species is a group of individuals who: += The ________ of two organisms of similar but ________ species, Are ______ in appearance. Breed in ______ environments. Can produce _______ and _____ offspring. offspring different same natural healthyfertile similar SPECIES 1) 2) 3)
+= A species is a group of individuals who: Are ______ in appearance. Breed in ______ environments. Can produce _______ and _____ offspring. natural healthyfertile similar 1) 2) 3) SPECIES
A species is a group of individuals who: Are ______ in appearance. Breed in ______ environments. Can produce _______ and _____ offspring. natural healthyfertile similar SPECIES 1) 2) 3) += Polar bears and grizzly bears do not live in the same habitat so they cannot breed together in natural environments.
Grrrrr, don’t mess with me! Get a mint! Your breath stinks! SPECIES
What lovely eyes you have. I never noticed how pretty your ears were! SPECIES
+= A species is a group of individuals who: Are ______ in appearance. Breed in ______ environments. Can produce _______ and _____ offspring. natural healthyfertile similar 1) 2) 3) grey wolf tens of thousands All domestic dogs came from the domestication of the grey wolf several tens of thousands of years ago. breeds genetically capable of breeding Though different breeds of dogs have arisen, they are still genetically capable of breeding to create healthy (depending on the breed) offspring.
Black/Chinese Bengali/Polish White/Black/ Native/Asian Chinese/DutchKorean/Black Chinese/BlackWhite/BlackNative/White SPECIES
and _______ so that ecosystems can remain ______, __________ productive The ability to live in a manner that ensures that the resources used today are _________ and ________ ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY PenguinLeopardPolar BearDogEelsCowsSupermarketHippoThe Story of Stuff healthy preserved renewed diverse for _______________ to come. many generations
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Acting to take ___________________ personal responsibility managementcare for the ____ and ___________ of the Earth.
CASE STUDY: The Mystery of Easter Island
Easter Island Revealed
Created by Anh-Thi Tang – Tangstar Science Copyright © August 2014 Anh-Thi Tang (a.k.a. Tangstar Science) All rights reserved by author. This document is for personal classroom use only. This entire document, or any parts within, may not be electronically distributed or posted to any website including teacher or classroom blogs or websites.