“IT ALL STARTED WHEN” 4 yrs. Old Mom forced me to play After I started playing I liked it
Fact #1The Inventor “James Naismith (November 6, 1861 – November 28, 1939) was a Canadian inventor who created basketball, and head coach of the Kansas Jayhawks from The father of basketball was a high school dropout who eventually earned four college degrees. Dr. James A. Naismith was a modest man who neither sought publicity nor engaged in self-promotion. He was a remarkably versatile and humble man who in 1891 invented the game.” “James Naismith”.Hoopedia.n.d.Web.16 April 2013.
Fact #2Top Sneaker In NBA(Adidas Rose 3) “There’s a great deal of purpose in the design, other than simply looking cool.” Leibowitz, Ben. “1. Derrick Rose’s Adidas D Rose 3.”Beacher Report. October 15,2012. Web. 17 April 2013
Basketball is the 9 th most played sport in the world “#9 Basketball “ Mostpopularsports. n.d. Web.17 april 2013 Fact #3
THE Most Popular Player Michael Jordan is the most celebrated basketball player ever. Hauser, Mark. “The 25 Greatest Basketball Players of all time. “ Bleacher Report February 25, 2009.Web.17 April 2013 Fact #4
$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The average NBA player makes 5.15M(million) Ashburner, Steve. “NBA's 'average' salary -- $5.15M -- a trendy, touchy subject.” nba. 19 August Web. 17 april 2013 Fact #5
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Average WNBA Salary is 72,000 Garland Maurice. “WNBA Player Salaries Decoded : How the Ladies ‘ Paychecks Compare to the Men’s.” Black Enerprise.28 December 2012.Web.17 April 2013 Fact #6
Average Height for Professionals “The average height of an NBA player today is 6 feet, seven, inches.” Seaney, Rick. “ NBA Lockout vs.Airline ‘Too fat to Fly Rules.” abc news. 26 October 2011.Web.17 April 2013 Fact #7