Owning a wine shop in Paris: CLV + CRV
The Customer Lifetime Value: CLV The Customer Referral Value: CRV
CUSTOMER 1 Radu: Champion + Purchases + WOM
CUSTOMER 2 Sara: Affluent + Purchases - WOM
- Purchases + WOM CUSTOMER 3 Diana: Advocate
CUSTOMER 4 Marig: Miser - Purchases - WOM
AdvocatesGood CRL Needs to be maintained Bad CLV Needs to be improved Up-selling, cross-selling, reinforcing buying Offering discounts for related product, Contracts
AffluentsGood CLV Needs to be maintained Bad CRV Needs to be improved Encouraging them to make more references Offering discounts if they bring some friends
MisersBad RCL Needs to be improved Encouraging them to make more references Offering discounts if they bring some friends Bad CLV Needs to be improved Up-selling, cross-selling, reinforcing buying Offering discounts for related product, Contracts
Let’s be critical Attracting new customer – 50$/customer Discount for a contract – 200$/year Discount for a friend – 10$/friend Average price of a bottle – 15$ Type of a customer CLV/yearCRV/yearIn total Champion50 bottles*15$- 50$=700$ 10cust- 2cust*12bottles=9 6b*15$+8*50= $ Affluent50 bottles*15$- 50$=700$ 1cust*15$+50$=7 5$ 775$ Advocate12 bottles*15$- 50$=130$ 12cust- 2cust*12bottles*1 5$= *50$= $ Misers12 bottles*15$- 50$=130$ 1cust*15$+50$=1 95$ 325$ Overall benefits6070$
Type of a customer BeforeCalculationsAfter Champion2540$+02540$ Affluent700$8cust*180$- 8*10$+8*50$=104 0$ 1815$ Advocate2300$50*15$- 200$=500$ 2800$ Misers195$ *Affluent50*15$-200=500$695$ 130$ *Advocate10cust*12b*15$= cust*10$=700$+ 10*50=1200$ 1330$ Overall benefits6070$7850$/8485$ Let’s be critical again Attracting new customer – 50$/customer Discount for a contract – 200$/year Discount for a friend – 10$/friend Average price of a bottle – 15$
Relationship After sales 5 TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL CRV Tip #1: Timing
WIN Bonuses, incentives WIN New clients Tip # 2 Twice the benefit
Tip # 3 Treasures
Asking for a referral A long process Get information from new clients Tip # 4 Tracking
Tip # 5 Thanks
Conclusions 68%33%