Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April 2005 1 Open Access : A fad or a fact of life? And what you can do about it! SLA-P&HT Division 2005 Spring Meeting Las Vegas.


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Presentation transcript:

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Open Access : A fad or a fact of life? And what you can do about it! SLA-P&HT Division 2005 Spring Meeting Las Vegas Open Access : A fad or a fact of life? And what you can do about it! SLA-P&HT Division 2005 Spring Meeting Las Vegas Michael Leach Harvard University Physics Research Library & Kummel Library 5 April 2005

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Abstract: Don’t Bother Reading Open Access, as a new publishing model, promises to deliver a number of advantages for readers and librarians, including little or no cost for libraries, free access to any interested reader, liberal copyright agreements and extensive permissions for authors. Some envision Open Access as the magic bullet that will solve the serials crisis of the past two decades. Certain challenges, though, have arisen already, including the potential high cost of article page charges, which can hinder adoption by research communities; the initiation of “membership fees” paid by libraries in lieu of article charges; numerous long-term preservation and archiving issues; and an untried economic model. Other issues are just beginning to arise: “fiscal aggregation” of article fees via libraries; implementation of LOCKSS (Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) models to enhance persistence of digital articles; the impact on collection development and technical services in libraries, not to mention reference and management issues; and integration with institutional and subject repositories. This presentation will address these challenges, focusing on the near-future impact of Open Access publishing on library and information center collections, budgets and services.

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Our Agenda Today Some background material Some background material Some potential and actual effects of OA on the traditional roles of librarians & information professionals Some potential and actual effects of OA on the traditional roles of librarians & information professionals Interspersed are comments from all sides of the OA movement Interspersed are comments from all sides of the OA movement Plus a few predictions (Dangerous, I know!) Plus a few predictions (Dangerous, I know!)

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April What is Open Access? Opposite of current “toll-pays” scholarly communication paradigm Opposite of current “toll-pays” scholarly communication paradigm Currently: you want to read, then you pay Currently: you want to read, then you pay Involves author payment vs. subscription payment Involves author payment vs. subscription payment Or, more correctly, cost support at the authors end, not the readers end Or, more correctly, cost support at the authors end, not the readers end

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Budapest Initiative “To achieve open access to scholarly journal literature, we recommend two complementary strategies. “To achieve open access to scholarly journal literature, we recommend two complementary strategies. I. Self-Archiving: First, scholars need the tools and assistance… I. Self-Archiving: First, scholars need the tools and assistance… II. Open-access Journals: Second, scholars need the means to launch a new generation of journals…” II. Open-access Journals: Second, scholars need the means to launch a new generation of journals…” Libraries have a role in both strategies. Libraries have a role in both strategies.

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Some OA Promises Access for all, especially for developing countries Access for all, especially for developing countries Increased use of current scholarship (increased impact factor) Increased use of current scholarship (increased impact factor) Solves serials crisis Solves serials crisis Good for democracies Good for democracies Especially patient/advocate groups Especially patient/advocate groups

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Green & Gold Roads Green Road: essentially two-fold publishing: Green Road: essentially two-fold publishing: Current subscription-based journals that allow authors to self-archive Current subscription-based journals that allow authors to self-archive Via institutional repositories & OAI-PMH Via institutional repositories & OAI-PMH Or “DSpace via Google” Or “DSpace via Google” Gold Road: true OA publishing Gold Road: true OA publishing Only about 5% of journal titles this way Only about 5% of journal titles this way

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Current Reality Most claims have little substantial proof Most claims have little substantial proof Very new; little research available Very new; little research available Author pays model has some historical precedence Author pays model has some historical precedence although not a true comparison although not a true comparison While initially supported by LIS community While initially supported by LIS community There are now increasing #s of “doubters” There are now increasing #s of “doubters”

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Libraries & Open Access 1. Collection Development 2. Interlibrary Loan 3. Reference 4. Technical Services 5. Systems 6. Marketing & Public Relations 7. Human Resources 8. Management

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Collection Development & OA The Serials Crisis is Solved? The Serials Crisis is Solved? Library collection budgets may disappear Library collection budgets may disappear More likely a mixed publishing environment More likely a mixed publishing environment No need for selection/collection development for OA serials No need for selection/collection development for OA serials Selection becomes relevant with Institutional Memberships Selection becomes relevant with Institutional Memberships Whom will the library support? Whom will the library support? Licensing & negotiation important: Licensing & negotiation important: Getting best deal (% of author discount) Getting best deal (% of author discount)

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Collection Development & OA Changing Fiscal Model 1. Collection Development & OA Changing Fiscal Model Institutional Memberships Institutional Memberships Are these not simply subscriptions?! Are these not simply subscriptions?! Consortial agreements possible Consortial agreements possible Based on Institution’s “Author Output” Based on Institution’s “Author Output” Fluctuating costs year to year Fluctuating costs year to year Budgeting may be difficult Budgeting may be difficult New models needed (BioMedCentral) New models needed (BioMedCentral) Penalized for success Penalized for success More your authors accept, the more you pay More your authors accept, the more you pay

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Collection Development & OA Fiscal Aggregator Model 1. Collection Development & OA Fiscal Aggregator Model Handle Payments Like Interlibrary Loan Handle Payments Like Interlibrary Loan Author gets discount via library Author gets discount via library Provide Marketing & Public Relations Opportunities Provide Marketing & Public Relations Opportunities Integration with Institutional Repository Integration with Institutional Repository Library-publisher interaction Library-publisher interaction Metadata Acquisition (at creator stage) Metadata Acquisition (at creator stage)

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Collection Development & OA Integration with Other Digital Projects/Objects 1. Collection Development & OA Integration with Other Digital Projects/Objects Institutional Repositories Institutional Repositories Tracking article versions Tracking article versions Supplemental material at institution Supplemental material at institution (e.g. datasets, learning objects) (e.g. datasets, learning objects) Preprint servers (for certain fields) Preprint servers (for certain fields)

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Collection Development & OA With Distributed IRs With Distributed IRs LOCKSS-like models LOCKSS-like models What gets duplicated & by whom What gets duplicated & by whom Consortia Consortia Support for small research-generating institutions that can not afford to build their own IR Support for small research-generating institutions that can not afford to build their own IR Ephemeral vs. Persistent Objects Ephemeral vs. Persistent Objects Basically, creating the policies to determine what goes into the local IR Basically, creating the policies to determine what goes into the local IR

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Collection Development & OA Other issues Tools vs. Content Tools vs. Content Enhanced search/IR (information retrieval) Enhanced search/IR (information retrieval) Content integration Content integration Ontological support Ontological support

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Interlibrary Loan & OA Should OA become dominant publishing model, ILL will decrease Should OA become dominant publishing model, ILL will decrease ILL will not disappear, though ILL will not disappear, though Older materials still needed Older materials still needed Not everything will be OA Not everything will be OA E.g. review literature, other value-added materials E.g. review literature, other value-added materials

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Reference & OA Information Literacy becomes critical Information Literacy becomes critical Evaluation skills important Evaluation skills important In-person reference requests likely to continue decrease In-person reference requests likely to continue decrease Patron finds “everything on Internet” Patron finds “everything on Internet” This may become a reality (or close to) This may become a reality (or close to) Status of virtual reference unsure Status of virtual reference unsure Will depend on a number of variables Will depend on a number of variables E.g. availability, cost, marketing, etc. E.g. availability, cost, marketing, etc. Need to familiarize oneself with OA resources to field potential questions Need to familiarize oneself with OA resources to field potential questions

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Technical Services & OA Is there a need to catalog OA journals? Is there a need to catalog OA journals? Many are already catalogued Many are already catalogued Is this a wasted effort? Is this a wasted effort? As with other e-journals: As with other e-journals: Binding disappears Binding disappears Check-in & claims disappear Check-in & claims disappear Invoice creation, payment & reporting disappears, unless $$ aggregator Invoice creation, payment & reporting disappears, unless $$ aggregator

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Technical Services & OA With Fiscal Aggregator Model: With Fiscal Aggregator Model: Metadata Specialists Needed Metadata Specialists Needed E.g. developing schemas E.g. developing schemas Metadata Cataloguers Needed Metadata Cataloguers Needed Work within certain schemas Work within certain schemas Work with certain digital objects Work with certain digital objects Unless we get digital objects bundled with metadata from the OA publishers Unless we get digital objects bundled with metadata from the OA publishers E.g. BioMed Central model E.g. BioMed Central model

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Systems &OA Do we add OA journals to library portals? Do we add OA journals to library portals? Mirroring vs. LOCKSS vs. … Mirroring vs. LOCKSS vs. … Archive/Persistence support & policy Archive/Persistence support & policy Joint efforts within consortia for archiving Joint efforts within consortia for archiving To spread the cost around To spread the cost around Share technical expertise Share technical expertise IT support as OA technology changes IT support as OA technology changes e.g. new formats e.g. new formats Version Control !!!!!!!!! Version Control !!!!!!!!!

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Marketing/Public Relations & OA What is role of library in institution? What is role of library in institution? Training, Literacy, Preservation -- increased Training, Literacy, Preservation -- increased Cataloguing Morphed, Collection Development Morphed—institutional repositories Cataloguing Morphed, Collection Development Morphed—institutional repositories ILL, Reference – decreased emphasis ILL, Reference – decreased emphasis Physical Space – Changes likely Physical Space – Changes likely Relationship to other units in institution Relationship to other units in institution Course support, teaching, etc. Course support, teaching, etc.

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Human Resources & OA Professional Development Professional Development New skill sets required New skill sets required Ever changing with technology Ever changing with technology Reduction in library staff likely Reduction in library staff likely Facilitating change in the organization is likely to be an integral part of institution Facilitating change in the organization is likely to be an integral part of institution

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Management & OA Potentially large shifts in budget: Potentially large shifts in budget: Collections to digital preservation Collections to digital preservation Fluctuations with Institutional Memberships Fluctuations with Institutional Memberships Management of change is critical Management of change is critical Proactive Proactive Ongoing evaluation of environment Ongoing evaluation of environment Increased need for user needs studies, marketing and public relations Increased need for user needs studies, marketing and public relations

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Where Will These Fit? Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Knowledge capture of new publishing processes Knowledge capture of new publishing processes Data Mining Data Mining Patterns that lead to success Patterns that lead to success Competitive Intelligence in Academia Competitive Intelligence in Academia Analysis of digital object creation by groups Analysis of digital object creation by groups Scholarly Communication Research Scholarly Communication Research Comparison of post- & pre-peer pubs Comparison of post- & pre-peer pubs

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Summary Some problems will remain Some problems will remain Some issues identified, others emerging Some issues identified, others emerging Initially for libraries: dual support Initially for libraries: dual support Potential for the long term: radical change in libraries Potential for the long term: radical change in libraries Likely outcome: mixed models for a long time Likely outcome: mixed models for a long time

Open Access, SLA-P&HT, April Thank You Michael Leach