Fundamentals of Proposal Writing
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VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 3 “ 咨询全案资料完整版 ” 与市面上流行的零散的几百元的一些所谓咨询报告 PPT 文件绝不相同 与其他出售资料书籍,网上下载的绝不相同 ! 此次开放的 “ 咨询全案资料 ” 包括麦肯锡、波士顿、毕博、罗兰贝格、埃森哲等国际知名 咨询公司和北大纵横、新华信、远卓、汉普等优秀的本土咨询公司 2000 年至 2004 年期间的咨询 项目资料及相关方法、工具及成果。 “ 咨询全案资料 ” 中含有咨询项目过程性文件和完整的提交文件,相信这些资料不论对于您本 人还是贵公司都有很好的参考价值和借鉴意义。 对于咨询人士来说, “ 咨询全案资料 ” 更是撰写项目建议书、编制咨询报告、建立行业知识库、 建立公司自身方法体系、咨询项目接单及过程管理等活动的有效支持工具。 “ 咨询全案资料 ” 列表请查阅附件。 为确保您放心购买,您可以提前验证资料的真实性和价值性。您可以向我们索取资料详尽目录, 在目录里任选两份文档,告诉我们这两份文档的标题,我们会通过 或 QQ 传给您,方便您进行 资料品质的校验。
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 4 Analyzing the Writing Situation Designing the Proposal Writing It Contents
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 5 Once you decide to write a proposal you need to analyze the writing situation, design the proposal and then write it. What is the objective? What is the subject? Who is the audience? Analyze the writing situation 1 Design the proposal 2 What should you put in? What order should it be in? How should it look? Write it 3 What can you do to be heard? Can beginnings and endings be interesting? Do you need to edit? What about quality reviews? Click to edit Master title style Second line here Presenter’s name Presenter’s title or date
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 6 First, determine what is the objective of the proposal. Simply raise awareness and discuss a topic To sell an idea or project To record agreement on work to be done To present a work plan Other…
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 7 Next, analyze your audience. How much do your readers know about this type of project? How much do they want or need to know? How close a working relationship should you outline? How much control will they want? How worried are they about costs? How do they see the relationship with your group? Any issues too sensitive to mention directly?
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 8 You’ll need to choose a format and decide on length and level of detail. Options ? Letter PowerPoint presentation Report—fully articulated Answering an RFP Other
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 9 Most proposals contain key elements that demonstrate your understanding of the problem and how you would go about solving it. Note: You may choose to discuss costs separately, once you sell your idea and its benefits. Description Discusses industry and relative business situation, restates problem(s)/situation Analyzes the problem/situation and key question(s) facing the company — may briefly describe company goals Outlines primary objectives of the project and its scope (functional areas, business units, etc.) Sets out how you will address the problem(s) and what primary product of project will be for each phase/segment Presents quantitative and/or qualitative benefits (tangible and intangible) Explains scheduling and costs Discusses project staffing Presents project team resumes, additional credentials, case studies of previous work, examples of thought leadership, sample deliverables, etc. Section Overview of the Problem Background/Situation Problem Discussion Overview of the Project Objectives and Scope Approach and Deliverables Anticipated Benefits Timing and Costs Project Team Appendix Project Credentials/ Resume/Other
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 10 Elements of Background/Situation It’s important to demonstrate to the prospect that you clearly understand their business situation. Element Industry Discussion Prospect Situation Discussion Key Question(s) Facing Prospect Detail Summarize insights on industry and prospect’s position Reiterate prospect’s major problem(s) Present additional relevant information about prospect, or similar situations faced by our clients Reassure prospect that we understand issues Anticipate and address questions prospect may have about Accenture/client interaction or the project in general
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 11 Further, that you are familiar with the situation and can offer insights even at this point. Elements of Problem Discussion Element Detail Problem Diagnosis Break problem down into issue tree Other Relevant Work Highlight critical issues Identify analyses needed to address situation Hypothesis Generation Provide analogies of other companies/industries that give insight into your company’s situation Outline possible project approach(s) to solve the situation, recommend one based on experience
VB4089s ©2001 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 12 Background/situation should only include what is essential to understand the situation. Need to understand how prospect came to have problem/question Should tell the reader in story form what he already knows or can be expected to know and remind him of the question this document will answer Generally, keep as short as possible The beginning is crucial to get the reader’s attention and to show your insight into the situation INTRODUCTION