Personal Research On Basically Everything PROBE notebooks
Definition of PROBE: “to search into; examine thoroughly; investigate”
The AIG students that I serve will have the opportunity to create a PROBE notebook from a composition book or send an “ePROBE” through your edmodo account. P-personal R-research O-on B-basically E-everything PROBES are an authentic way for students to safely research what they are interested in or learning in class. Your child will be given a theme and your child will select their own topic correlating with that theme.
Procedures Step 1 – Select a topic within the theme. Step 2 – Research your topic and write a report using at least 10 new facts learned about your topic. Facts may not be copied from the Internet. You must write the facts in your own words in a report about the topic. Step 3 – Add a decorative border around written text or on slides that relates to your topic. Step 4 – Include illustrations related to your topic. Step 5 – Cite your sources from your research.
Rubric for PROBE or ePROBE Possible pointsEarned points Topic within the theme 20 Report written to include your new facts 50 Decorative border around text or on slides 10 Illustrations are related to topic 10 Cite your sources from your research 10
Examples of PROBE notebooks PROBES examples from Veteran’s Day Skeleton Rainbow
Presentations sites for ePROBES Powerpoint Prezi Presentations: Zoho Show: And many more online presentations found on