Potential and Kinetic Energy Poster 1/20/2016 Starter: Practice/Application/Connection/Exit: Create a poster that shows 6 different examples of comparing potential and kinetic in an object. Use these videos to get ideas: 7K4V0NvUxRg 7K4V0NvUxRg vl4g7T5gw1M Poster is due at the end of class. Poster must be neat, organized, and colored. Must label where the greatest potential/kinetic energy is located in the object and explain why. You can use computers to get ideas. Poster Due no later than 1/22/16 Potential and Kinetic Energy Poster EQ: How can the transfer of energy alter systems? 1/20/
January 20, 2016 AGENDA 6.8 A I will be compare and contrast potential and kinetic energy and how it applies to force by completing a poster 1 Starter 2. Poster
Table of Contents DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 11/19 Minerals and their Properties /30 Types of Chemical Reactions /1 Chemical Reactions Activity /2 Chemical Reactions lab /3 Chemistry Test Review /7-8 Energy Resources /9-10 Energy Resource Cards /14-15 Energy Pamphlet /16 CBA review /5 Most Wanted Poster /6-7 Energy Plan /11 Potential and Kinetic Energy /15 Bounce the Ball Lab /19 Phet Lab Activity /20 Kinetic and Potential Energy Poster
Potential and Kinetic Energy Poster 1/20/2016 Starter: Practice/Application/Connection/Exit: Create a poster that shows 6 different examples of comparing potential and kinetic in an object. Use these videos to get ideas: 7K4V0NvUxRg 7K4V0NvUxRg vl4g7T5gw1M Poster is due at the end of class. Poster must be neat, organized, and colored. Must label where the greatest potential/kinetic energy is located in the object and explain why. You can use computers to get ideas. Poster Due no later than 1/22/16 Potential and Kinetic Energy Poster EQ: How can the transfer of energy alter systems? 1/20/