1.3 Writing Macbeth Essays
Excellence explored and mined one idea thoroughly, using a central thesis, rather than touching on several ideas superficially wove relevant text evidence into their own argument showed a strong sense of engagement with the text; many discussed the relevance of the text to self and the wider world, showing insight, originality and consideration of how the writer had challenged their thinking showed command of vocabulary and the terminology needed to express more complex ideas wrote a clearly structured essay demonstrated maturity and fluency of expression, using sophisticated vocabulary discussed the writer’s craft, demonstrating awareness of the way they made deliberate choices for effect in the text
One central thesis Focus on one character or one idea Have an argument Avoid too many “I think” statements Your argument should be implicit in your essay
Wider world This is where you can bring in your ideas about context However, you must ensure that your comments are linked to the text This is also a good way to support arguments about the writer’s intent
Structure Intro (POO) Body Paragraphs (3 or 4) Conclusion (OOP)
Body Paragraph Always open with a topic statement – what is this paragraph about? Have a comment at the end – how does this paragraph link to the essay question? The middle needs to be a mixture of evidence and explanation – what in the text backs up your idea and how does it do this?
Body Paragraphs The number here depends on how much you have to say You could move chronologically through the play or through characters You could consider a comment paragraph looking at the wider picture esp author intent
Vocabulary Use correct terminology Write using a formal tone Read academic writing to get ideas
Choosing Questions What works for us: – Character – Theme – Significant events What could work: – Conflict What you should avoid: – Setting – Beginning/End – Technique
1. Describe a positive OR negative experience that happened to a character or individual in the text. Explain how the writer used the experience to help you understand that character or individual. 2. Describe an event that was a turning point in the text. Explain why the turning point was important. 3. Describe at least ONE technique in the text that helped make the writer’s idea(s) clear to you. Explain why the technique made the writer’s idea(s) clear to you. Note: “Techniques” might be language, style, structure or narrative point-of- view. 4. Describe a character or individual in the text whom you found interesting. Explain how the writer made the character or individual interesting to you. 5. Describe at least ONE way that time and / or place were used in the text. Explain why the time and / or place were important. 6. Describe at least ONE idea that you thought was important in the text. Explain how the writer made you think the idea was important.
1. Describe an important change that happened to ONE character or individual in the text. Explain why this change was important. 2. Describe an important event at (or near) the end of the text. Explain how this event helped you understand an idea (or ideas) in the text. 3. Describe an idea (or ideas) in the text that you found interesting. Explain why you found this idea (or ideas) interesting. 4. Describe an important character or individual in the text. Explain why he or she was important in the text. 5. Describe at least TWO techniques used to make a character or individual in the text interesting. Explain why these techniques made the character or individual interesting. Note: “Techniques” could include language, structure and / or narrative point- of-view. 6. Describe an important aspect of setting in the text. Explain how it helped you understand a key idea (or ideas) in the text. Note: “Setting” may refer to time and / or place.