By: InAe & Jazmin
The purpose of a narrative essay is to tell a story. It has character, setting, and action. The characters, the setting, and the problem of the narrative are usually introduced in the beginning. The problem reaches its high point in the middle. The ending resolves the problem. to recount a personal or fictional experience or to tell a story based on a real or imagined event. In well-written narration, a writer uses insight, creativity, drama, suspense, humor, or fantasy to create a central theme or impression.
Narrative essays are organized in chronological order. They tell a story in the order that the events happened. Like any other essay, the narrative essay should begin with an introductory paragraph, which will set up the event being related. This paragraph will be followed by a minimum of three body paragraphs. Always end your essay with a memorable and strong concluding paragraph. Always remember to stick to one point throughout the essay. Each paragraph should flow smoothly from one to another.
Essays require transitional words and phrases to move them along smoothly. Some transitions for narrative essays are first, next, then, and finally.
Because narrative essays are sometimes personal in nature, the writer can use the first- person point of view. All other essays require the use of the third-person point of view. Since narrative essays allow the writer to tell a personal story, they can be the most enjoyable to write, so have fun with the assignment!