TRAINING FOR LIFE:LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE FOR EUROPE CHARACTER OF A LEADER CLIP activities 7.project meeting,Turkey,November I.gimnazija Osijek
In this chapter we discussed the character of a successful leader. I.gimnazija Osijek
OUR CONCLUSIONS AFTER STUDYING THIS TOPIC If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.It is a difficult task, but it can be achieved. I.gimnazija Osijek
The key qualities and personality traits of a good leader that we agreed upon are: I.gimnazija Osijek
Character brings lasting success with people and strong character is the foundation on which to build success. We also wrote essays on the topic Where is leadership needed now? And you can read them on our webpage. I.gimnazija Osijek
CLIP ACTIVITIES In September students of the class 2.b initiated an action called Museums in a pot. Students and teachers had to bring old pots, cutlery, plates, cooking utensils.All this stuff was collected by museums in our town and then donated to the flooded areas. I.gimnazija Osijek
MUSEUMS IN A POT I.gimnazija Osijek
BREAD DAYS In October we had a big celebration in our school called Bread Days.Every year it is marked in a different way. This year each class collected staple food (flour, pasta,rice…)which was then donated to soup kitchen in our town. kolaca-za-ekskurziju-i-humanitarne-akcije I.gimnazija Osijek
Also, all classes prepared different food(loaves of bread, rolls, cakes…) and each class sold their food on the main square. Then, each class could decide on their own what to do with the money they earned(donations to different NGOs, animal shelter…). I.gimnazija Osijek
This month our Clip club is going to apply for the Annual award for contribution to the development of volunteering, which is given every year to different institutions. We would really like to get that award so keep your fingers crossed! I.gimnazija Osijek