A Changing World
The Crusades What were the Middle or Dark Ages? A period of time in Europe, in which the increase in knowledge came to a standstill. What created the Middle Ages? The fall of the Roman Empire. What were the Crusades? A series of expeditions to regain control of Christianity’s Holy sites. What caused the Crusades? The religion of Islam had taken over the Middle East and North Africa. Explain how the Crusades indirectly lead to the discovery of the New World. The Europeans who fought in them came in contact with cinnamon, pepper and other spices from the Orient.
Economics After the Crusades the Europeans wanted these spices from the Orient. What was Marco Polo’s contribution to early exploration? He wrote about the time he spent in the Orient. 2oo years later his book would inspire Christopher Columbus to search for a new way to the Orient. What is economics? The science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods. What role did economics play in the early explorations? Trade began to grow as Europeans desired more and more of the spices, perfumes and precious stones of the Orient.
Economics The European merchants began to try to find a way to the Orient without having to buy these goods from the Arab merchants. What is The Renaissance? A period of intellectual and artistic creativity. What role did the Renaissance play in early exploration? It caused the Europeans to pursue new ideas and set new goals which lead to exploration and discovery.
Technology What is technology? The use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Name four ways that technology helped promote early exploration. Geographers developed better maps. An instrument called an astrolabe helped sailors find their latitude on the ocean. The compass helped them determine their direction when sailing far away from land. Better ships allowed them to travel farther, faster and safer.
Early Exploration
Seeking New Trade Routes Explain how the maps that Columbus and other early explorers were wrong. The maps showed only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. The continents were shown as one land mass. Explain why Portugal led the way in trying to find another route to the Orient. Portugal had no sea port on the Mediterrian sea and could not profit by trading with Asia and Europe.
Prince Henry Explain how Prince Henry contributed to early exploration. He created a center for exploration on the tip of Portugal. He brought in astronomers, geographers and mathematicians to share their knowledge with sailors and ship builders.
Early Explorers ExplorerDate (s)Region Bartholomeu Dias 1487 Southern most part of Africa and around the tip of Africa. Vasco da Gama 1497Sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and reached India in 1498
Exploring America How did the America’s get their name? They were named after Amerigo Vespucci who discovered that South America was a continent not part of Asia. Who was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean? Vasco de Balboa waded into the Pacific Ocean becoming the first European to see it.
Columbus Crosses the Atlantic What was different about Columbus’ plan to reach Asia from all the others? Columbus believed that he could sail west and reach Asia. Who was probably the first man to reach the North American Continent? A Viking by the name of Leif Eriksson. Where do archaeologist believe that Vinland was located? On the North American continent somewhere around present day Newfoundland.
Spain Backs Columbus Who backed Columbus on his voyage to find a new trade route? King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. Name two reasons they backed Columbus? 1) He promised to spread Christianity 2) If he found a quicker way to Asia, Spain could become very wealthy.
Columbus’s First Voyage From where and when did Columbus set out on his first voyage? On August 3, 1492 from Spain. What were the names of his ships? The Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. Columbus wrote in his log that he was having trouble with his crew. Why was he having this trouble? The sailors, believing that that earth was flat, began to fear that they would sail off the end of the earth.
Columbus’s First Voyage When did Columbus finally reach land. October 12, 1492 a little over two months from the time he left Spain. Why are the Caribbean Islands called the West Indies? Columbus thought that he had reached the islands off the coast of Asia called the Indies. He called the people there Indians.
Columbus’s Later Voyages How many more trips did Columbus make to the New World? Columbus made three more voyages to the New World Why is Columbus often described as the most successful failure in history? Columbus was a failure because he never found a new trade route to Asia. At the same time he is successful because his discovery lead to the forming of or country.
Exploring America What was Ferdinand Magellan’s mission? To find a sea route around South America. Where is the Strait of Magellan found? The tip of South America. How did the Pacific Ocean get its name? Magellan called the new ocean the Pacific meaning peaceful. Who was the first person to circumnavigate the earth? Ferdinand Magellan. Why might this not be quite accurate? Magellan died during a battle in the Philippines. Only 18 of the 200 crew members survived the trip that took three years.