France and Holland Competition for Spain
The French Empire Spain’s success caused other Europeans to seek the same. France didn’t seek to colonize like Spain; were looking for the Northwest Passage – What is this? French explorers looked for it from the Carolinas to Newfoundland; Jacque Cartier in the St. Lawrence River
The French Empire France declares St. Lawrence River region “New France” in the 1540s C.E. French mariners began trading for fur with Native Americans – why? Natives were eager for European goods; axes, hoes, kettles, knives, hatchets.
The French Empire Beaver was the fur of choice. As the demand for beaver exceeded the supply, Natives began trespassing onto other tribes lands – what did this cause? Those tribes with tools and weapons had the advantage; every Native American tribe looked to trade with Europeans.
The French Empire Like the Natives, French were killing each other over fur C.E., French trading company builds Quebec along the St. Lawrence River. Quebec = Protect from rival traders. Quebec = First permanent European settlement in Canada.
The French Empire France would do things differently compared to the Spanish. Rather than enslave, they needed Natives for scouts. – all about fur! France didn’t go after land, either – therefore no real conflict with who?
The French Empire Peace didn’t last long -- Samuel de Champlain; Quebec’s founder, would incite war. Champlain, Montagnais, Algonquin, and Huron vs. Iroquois. 1609, Iroquois were ambushed by Champlain – not expecting guns.
The French Empire Dire consequences for Champlain and the French. 1. France made an enemy of the powerful Iroquois. 2. Iroquois revolutionized warfare – how? 3. Dutch would trade Iroquois weapons to use against the French.
The French Empire However, there were some similarities with how the Spanish dealt with the New World. France also dispatched missionaries to convert Native Americans to Christianity. Jesuits were successful with the Huron, but Iroquois killed most of the converts and missionaries from 1648 to 1649 CE.
The French Empire Another similarity with Spain was the type of government in New France. Ruled by a powerful monarch Military governor- general, intendant, and Catholic bishop. Elected assembly was not allowed.
The French Empire New France grew slowly. Attracted very few immigrants – Why? – Think climate, landscape, and dangers. French were mainly farmers and rarely ventured into the hinterland or forest. Only 15,000 in New France by 1700 C.E.
The French Empire Survival meant allying with Native Americans and adopting some of their ways. Called coureurs de bois, they often married and had children (metis) with Native American women. Marriages led to alliances with Great Lakes tribes; defeated the Iroquois and peace finally in 1701 C.E.
The French Empire 1682 C.E., Robert de LaSalle began looking for the Northwest Passage. Guided along the Mississippi River hoping to find the Pacific Ocean –where did he actually reach? Claimed the Miss. River basin for France and named in Louisiana.
The French Empire In 1718 C.E., New Orleans was founded and became the colonies largest town and seaport. But Louisiana struggled to attract colonists – why? – Think economic opportunities, climate, and health.
The French Empire Only 1/3 of the immigrants remained alive in Louisiana in 1731 C.E. Only 2,000 whites and 4,000 enslaved Africans. Louisiana was primarily valued as a military base – preventing the spread of which nation?
Holland’s Empire In 1609 C.E., Dutch sent merchants across the Atlantic and up the Hudson River C.E., founded the permanent settlement of Fort Nassau. Built New Amsterdam in 1625 C.E. on Manhattan Island – why?
Holland’s Empire New Amsterdam served as the largest town, seaport, and gov. headquarters. Dutch came to trade or farm – unlike the Spanish, French, and English (what did they attempt to do?)
Holland’s Empire Like the Spanish and French, Holland did not permit an elected assembly. Dutch West India Company appointed the governor. Authoritarian, but ironically tolerant of others. Colonists from Netherlands, France, Germany, and Norway – why?
Holland’s Empire Despite religious toleration, New Netherland didn’t attract many immigrants. Only 5,000 colonists in 1660 C.E. Why did they falter in attracting colonists?
Holland’s Empire Simply put, push factors in Europe were stronger than pull factors in the colonies. Netherlands had a booming economy and high standard of living – would you leave? Religious toleration higher in Netherlands than in England – so naturally more English.
Holland’s Empire New Netherland would suffer when England challenged them – why? (think about demographics). Dutch and English became violent in the 1650s and 1660s C.E. England was jealous of Dutch efficiency in tobacco and sugar trade.
Holland’s Empire 1664 C.E., England forced the governor, Peter Stuyvesant, to surrender the colony. The English would rename the colony New York. English would also rename Fort Nassau Albany.
Holland’s Empire Legacy – England would now controlled the mid- Atlantic seaboard. Closed the gap between the English southern colonies and New England. Area became known as the Middle Colonies