One-Step Equations Rewriting Equations Symmetric Property- allows you to completely switch both sides of an equation Inverse Operations + -- x Solving- 1.Remove ( ) 2.Label 3.CLT 4.Add/Subtract to get v=c 5.Mult/Divide to isolate the variable x=# 6.Check answer Review Algebra Tiles Key- Model the expressions How could we rewrite this equation without changing its value? Careful with signs! What does isolate mean? When prisoners are put “in isolation”? X 1unit *Shaded=negative
Example— *stress that solving means we are using inverse operations to isolate the variable The students should model solving the equation on the mat while also writing steps algebraically in their notes. Here is the example of what you and the students should be doing in each step. Even if the students don’t need the algebra tiles to solve, make them do it anyway so that when we use algebra tiles tomorrow, they are more familiar with the process. Solve the equation by isolating x. What it should look like on the mat: = Isolate the x term by creating zero pairs = AFTER modeling with tiles, record your steps using the equation We need to isolate the x, so we need to get rid of the 4 unit tiles. Do this by creating zero pairs. v c c = Check replace the “X” with -1. Cancel the zero pair and we are left with 3=3 which is true, so our solution is correct! = Original: Take out the x and put in the -1
Examples: Model these with algebra tiles with out algebra tiles OYO: Is the variable alone?
Two Step Equations! -Use inverse operations to isolate the variable. -Follow the same steps: 1. Remove ( ) 2.Label 3.CLT 4.Add/Subtract to get v=c 5.Mult/Divide to isolate the variable x=# 6.Check answer Algebra Tiles = = Isolate x term by creating zero pairs v c v AFTER modeling with tiles, record your steps using the equation -2 = 3. Isolate 1x by dividing into even groups Since we have 2 groups, we divide by x=2 don’t forget to check by substituting 1 for the x’s in the original problem! Divide each side by the number of groups -Divide the x’s into groups of 1x - Equally distribute the right side into groups with each x = v c
Name________________ Period___ Date_____ Solving 2-step equations with algebra tiles