World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) Perspectives in challenges and future actions Name of the Speaker: Mia Sutanto, SH, LL.M INDONESIA Name of the Country: INDONESIA
what has changed since 2005 assessment The introduction of early initiation of breastfeeding / breastcrawl in Indonesia Decreased number of exclusive breastfeeding, increased number of formula feeding Even more aggressive marketing and promotion of formula milk (see Nutricia presentation)
what has changed since 2005 assessment The recent passing of the newly amended Health Law protection for breastfeeding mom and the rights for every baby to have breastmilk, punishment to individuals attempting to discourage a mother from breastfeeding
list of partners for the assessment process AIMI – Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers’ Association SELASI – Indonesian Lactation Center Perinasia – Indonesian Perinatology Society Indonesian Health Ministry Departement
challenges faced during the process Difficulty in finding the right person in the Health Department willing to help us in providing the correct information Indonesian Health Ministry did not approve of the result of Indonesian Health Demographic Survey 2007 did their on survey which resulted in conflicting data
challenges faced during the process There’s not many data available online so many of the questions were answered by one source, namely the Indonesian Health Department Many data that were available online were not current
methods used to tackle the challenges Made a personal contact to sources at Health Department by visiting their offices several times Made a call to some important member of the Health Department that introduced us to the right person in the right division Requested personal assistance from prominent figures in the breastfeeding community
positive experiences during the process We became more familiar in handling Indonesian bureaucracy We managed to extend our networking within the infant health community specifically breastfeeding support We accessed information and documents that were not available before the Indonesian Health Department’s guidelines on disaster management
suggestion for improving the process It took longer to collect the information and data, so it will be better if the timeline is longer A formal letter of introduction from IBFAN made available so that it will be easier to approach relevant institutions/individuals