2015 Academic A Japan and Western Imperialism Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Monday, May 18, Ms. Barben is still out for graduation. Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Day One: Monday, May 18, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Using your China and Western Imperialism Timeline Notes from the last lesson, the Opium Wars: Which Side Was Justified, and the historical map and graph, you and your partner are going to answer the following Reflection Questions. Steps: You and your partner are going to go through the events related to opium trade and China. For each event, decide which nation was justified in its actions by placing a J in the box next to the event under the country’s name. Then turn to the historical map and graph. Use all the resources and your Timeline Notes to answer the Reflection Questions.
Day One: Monday, May 18, 2015 Reflection Questions: a)In the graph, what does each box represent? b)How many chests of opium were imported by China in 1820? c)What was the increase of the annual imports of opium chests between 1770 and 1800? d)What was the increase of the annual imports of opium chests between 1830 and 1840? e)Describe the route by which opium reached China. f)Why did the British government encourage opium trade with China? g)Identify and explain the effects of at LEAST TWO DIFFERENT STEPS the Chinese took to try to prevent the import of British opium. 1) 2)
Day One: Monday, May 18, 2015 Class: We are now going to begin the study of Japan and Western Imperialism. Of all the regions we have studied this year, Japan is the ONLY ONE to take a different path. Look at the quote below, what do you think was the different path? After discussing this, we are going to read the attached introduction reading entitled “New Identity in Japan: Resistance and Change.” “The Japanese willow bent with the winds of western imperialism and survived; the Chinese oak stood fast against the winds from the west and fell.” What does this quote mean? Class: The teacher is going to begin the Japan and Western Imperialism PowerPoint. You are to take notes in the provided graphic organizer. Homework: Continue to work on the East Asia and Imperialism Propaganda Poster following the chunking.
Day Two: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to continue the Japan and Western Imperialism PowerPoint. You are to finish taking notes in the provided graphic organizer. Homework: Continue to work on the East Asia and Imperialism Propaganda Poster. It is due on:__________________________
Day Three: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 The East Asia and Imperialism Propaganda Poster is being collected. Order: Pink Grade Sheet, Behind Grade Sheet Art Part, Behind Art Part Writing Part, Behind Writing Part Pre-Write Class: The teacher is going to finish Japan and Western Imperialism PowerPoint Lecture. You are to finish taking notes. Homework: Work on the East Asia Study Guide for the Final Exam.